Plot: Dream Alliance is an unlikely race horse bred by a small-town Welsh bartender Jan Vokes. With no experience, Jan convinces her neighbors to chip in their meager earnings to help raise Dream in the hopes he can compete with the racing elite.
Review: This was absolutely everything I needed to start my 2021 movie watching. This was a feel good movie with all the heart you could ever want. We smiled, we laughed, we teared up, we were on pins and needles - all the feels. It was fantastic. It's based on a true story and you can see why they made this into a movie - it seems no way that this could actually happen! It felt like every Disney sports movie you've ever watched and loved. I can't say enough good things about this one if you can't tell! {grin}
Oh, this sounds delightful!!!
Yeah to us hoing back to the movies! Two thumbs up! - AP
I'll have to check this out! I haven't even seen previews for it!
I hope you have Cruella on your 10 movies in 2021! It's the only one I want to see since I 1) love Emma Stone and 2) love Glen Close's 101 Dalmatians.
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