It was bound to happen, but here we are - Brent and I had COVID last week. I know people who have already had it at least twice, so I am very thankful it hasn't happened more but sheesh the last 9 days have not been the most fun of my life!
Tuesday, May 31 Day 0! I got a pretty bad headache starting in the afternoon but didn't think too much about it because I get a bad headache periodically - usually in hindsight it's from being dehydrated - so I just started upping my water intake and went about life as normal.
Wednesday, June 1 The headache continued into Wednesday {also not uncommon when I get a bad headache} but as the day went on I started to notice some sinus pressure and drainage. I wasn't worried about it until I just felt like I had fever and sure enough, I had just over 100 degree temperature. I was a little concerned but thought I might be getting a sinus infection - totally what it felt like.
Thursday, June 2 I woke and just knew I was pretty sick. My throat was on fire {in the long run, my worst symptom}, I had body aches, headache was still there, fever, runny nose, drainage. Brent was getting ready to go to work, so we decided I needed to take a COVID test. First off, just to be responsible, but secondly, there was no way I could take care of the kids that day. Sure enough, and not surprisingly, positive.
Not nearly as exciting as a positive pregnancy test! {grin}
Brent obviously stayed home, let his team know he wouldn't be in, I told the babysitter what was happening so she wouldn't come over, texted Brent's parents {who had kept the kids the day before}, friends, my parents, my work, etc. I took 2 work calls that were pretty important and then I went back to bed. Frankly, I was exhausted and felt like shit.
The next 2 days passed pretty much the same way - I felt pretty crummy, slept a lot, and was alone in our room. Brent slept on the couch and took care of the kids, the house, his work. Friday night he noticed a little tickle in his throat and some slight achiness...uh-oh.
I rewatched a lot of Downton Abbey.
The Spanish Flu episode hit especially hard, ha.
Tea with the Dowager while watching the Dowager!
I lived off of tea with honey and cough drops with occasional tiny meals {think Goldfish, so not really 'meals'} because it just hurt my throat too much to eat.
Saturday, June 4 My fever broke and Brent started running fever, so while I should not have been taking care of the kids, Brent and I switched places. He went to the bed, and I went to the couch. The kids basically stayed on their side of the house, spent an insane amount of time on devices and would come as far as the entrance to the kitchen to ask for food. I'd get up, wash my hands, put on a mask, go make them food, and take it to the playroom {but they had to leave the playroom first}, and then they could come get the food after I left the room. The diffuser ran non-stop with germ-fighting oils! The girls were pretty pitiful and sad about not being able to snuggle or cuddle with me. So sad!
Sunday, June 5 We tested Brent and the kids for COVID. Obviously, we knew Brent had it, but he wanted to take a test - sure enough, that positive line formed instantly ha. But all 3 kids were negative yay! Brent's fever broke, and he was already feeling better - excellent news as my fever came back and I started going downhill -although my sore throat was gone after 3 days and didn't come back, yay. We switched again, and I went back to the bedroom.
Monday, June 6 My fever broke again, and I needed to work, so I worked a full day in the office. My congestion got terrible, and I realized I couldn't smell anything. I was messaging throughout the day with my doctor's office to talk about supplements, checking when we could come out of quarantine, when the kids were safe to be around people, all the things. I had a burst of energy late in the day and did some laundry and cleaned up the kitchen. Unfortunately, that energy left and my headache, body aches, and fever came back, boo!
Tuesday, June 7 After more messaging with my doctor's office, I scheduled a telemed appointment. I saw one of the nurse practitioners who said I definitely sounded like I had a secondary bacterial infection and she prescribed antibiotics and steroids for that, which I happily started Tuesday evening. No fever, my congestion cleared up, but I still couldn't smell.
Wednesday, June 8 I woke up fever free, felt 95% normal, and could smell! I was curious if the loss of smell was going to preclude a loss of taste, but that didn't seem to happen. We tested the kids again today - all negative still!
My favorite sight - 3 negative kiddos!
It seems like we might be in the clear, and even though I didn't feel great, I had what is still considered a mild case, so I'm very thankful it passed as quickly as it did, no one besides Brent got sick {and his case was super mild}, and we seem to be on the other side. I'm not excited to do this again anytime soon, but it sounds like that's going to be the normal going forward. Oh boy!