Friday, April 1, 2011

Project 52: March Update

I accomplished 3 goals for Project 52 this month and maintained all my continual goals (no fails!), so I'm pretty happy this month.  I need to pick up the pace though on some, since 3 a month isn't going to equal 52 by the end of the year! 

1. Create (read: pay someone to create) a header for my blog. - As is evidenced by the new look to my blog, I got a whole new look!  Yay!
 9. Finally finish Jane Eyre (I’ve started it twice). - I really enjoyed Jane Eyre!  It started out a little slow but turned out really awesome.  Had some neat twists and turns throughout.  Definitely happy I finally finished!
 16. Spend some time in my flower beds. - I officially have done some work in the beds (although Brent has done the most), so I will say this is accomplished, but I hope to actually plant some pretties in the next few weeks.