Saturday, April 16, 2011

Review: The Hunger Games

I finally got my act together and read 'The Hunger Games'. 

Summary: In a future North America, where the rulers of Panem maintain control through an annual televised survival competition pitting young people from each of the twelve districts against one another, sixteen-year-old Katniss's skills are put to the test when she voluntarily takes her younger sister's place. (courtesy my city's public library website)

Review: OMG! I really loved this book. The plot was so unique and I really loved the main characters.  I thought it was written really well too.  The first part let us learn a lot about Katniss, what happened to the U.S. that resulted in this new world where children must fight to the death each year.  The second part was about the preparation for the Hunger Games and the beginning of the competition, and the third part is the conclusion of the Games.  I was worried it was going to be really graphic, which I would not have been able to handle, but it wasn't.  The added bonus was the beginning of a love story, I mean, love triangle!  I cannot wait to read the 2nd and 3rd books!

What's a little different for me with this latest fad book is that I didn't read it until after casting was complete.  I started reading Harry Potter in college and loved all the casting.  I read all of the Twilight books and hated Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen until I saw the first movie.  I quickly changed my mind!  But...even though I probably should have learned my lesson and should trust casting agents...I'm NOT pleased.  I think Jennifer Lawrence will be an amazing Katniss (some people think she looks too old and curvy but I imagine they can make her look younger and I'm sure she'll lose a lot of weight), but I do not like the casting for the male roles.  Peeta is the boy 'tribute' chosen with Katniss to compete in the games and Gale is her only friend at home.  I pictured Peeta as more pretty and Gale as more rugged.  I actually thought I read the casting backwards when I saw who was cast.  I think flipping it would be much better.  So here's hoping I have a Twilight 180 and start to love this casting!

Josh Hutcherson (Peeta), Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss), Liam Hemsworth (Gale)

Did anybody actually make it through this rambling, long, horribly nerdy bookworm post??  If so, you deserve a prize! {grin}


JulieBird said...

Yes, where is my prize? =)
I'm on book two and still enjoying it!