Monday, April 12, 2021

10 Questions To Mark One Year Of The Pandemic

I thought this questionnaire was really interesting to fill out and look back on the last year. AND y'all know I love a good questionnaire, especially ones Natasha and Emily fill out. {grin}

It's also interesting to fill this out as Trent starts a 2-week quarantine from school due to a classmate testing positive. WILL THIS CONTINUE FOREVER?!?!

1. What was life like in early 2020?

Life in early 2020 was just business as usual. Brent and I were both working, the kids were in school, they were all involved in activities - Trent was playing basketball, Drew and Paige were in dance, and Drew had started horseback riding.

2. What was the biggest change?

Having everyone home! I went from working at home by myself with Brent at his office and the kids at school to everyone being home ALL.THE.TIME. Juggling work responsibilities with home schooling plus just general parenting during the day was CRAZY. Luckily everyone was in the same boat, but it certainly wasn't my preferred way to live/work!

3. What were your coping mechanisms?

I feel like I handled things pretty well most of the time, but I had a lot of anxiety around access to food. It was hard to get a curbside pickup order, I was scared to go inside the store, etc. I got in a good routine of booking orders 2 weeks out at our local grocery store and also had food delivered from Imperfect Foods for a while. Things were definitely in short supply for a while, and I spent a lot of time agonizing over meals and fresh fruits and veggies, but as things in quarantine settled down, so did my anxiety.

We also drank a lot of alcohol. {grin}

4. What did connection in your relationships look like?

We are lucky to have some of our best friends live in our neighborhood. At first we would stand outside and talk in driveways. Then we started having a weekly socially distant happy hour. Those were glorious nights! We also zoomed with family, and eventually {after about 2 months} started seeing family.

Driveway HHs!

The first time we saw my parents - outside with no touching!

5. What will you remember most?

The family time. I am very blessed {#privileged} that mine and Brent's jobs were never in jeopardy, and we genuinely like each other. Yes, there was added stress of everyone being home, but I love my family and really enjoyed the extra time together {most of the time}.

6. What was the biggest challenge?

Just the juggling of work responsibilities, parenting responsibilities, school responsibilities with no extra help. It was good in the sense that we learned we CAN do it, but it's definitely not what I want my normal to be!

Paige entertained herself while Brent and I were on calls by coloring her whole face... with lipstick! SO FUN!

7. What was a beautiful memory?

It was really fun spoiling and surprising Brent on his 40th birthday. I got him 40 presents, the kids made a banner, we had a yard sign, and some friends and family came by for a parade. He's not one that asks to do much for his birthday, but I really wanted to spoil him and glad we got to!

What did you believe now that you didn't one year ago?

That something like this was even possible. I think because there have been things in the past that were threatened to be huge {swine flu comes to mind} that didn't effect my life at all, I blew this off at first. I couldn't believe entire sports seasons were being canceled, schools were closing, it just didn't seem possible. While I don't think we handled things perfectly, I now believe a global pandemic is very real.

9. What would you do differently?

I don't know that there is anything that would have made me feel differently in the moment, but I would like to be better prepared if something similar happened again. Brent has complained our entire marriage that we never have enough food, and I think we have a completely different pantry/freezer situation than we used to. Is it perfect? No. But would I feel better about our food situation? Yes.

10. What will you carry forward?

Hopefully an appreciation for the happiness I feel in my everyday life. I always KNEW I was lucky to have a loving and happy marriage/family life, but to be 'stuck' together and truly enjoy each other...was really a huge blessing.


Natasha said...

You've got some really good answers here. And yes, I don't think I had wrapped my head around the reality of a global pandemic since so many "big ones" hadn't amounted to anything. I'm still grateful when I can go to the grocery store and find everything on my list because early on, that definitely wasn't the case.

Emily said...

I think it's so interesting to look back on our food anxiety. We definitely had that as we now have a stock supply in the basement. Interestingly, we never had an issue with fresh fruits and vegetables. For our area, it was anything shelf stable (pasta, beans, canned anything) that were impossible to find. Ironically, fresh meat was also very erratic which I find interesting because why would fresh fruits be available but not fresh meat? I guess you can freeze meat but less likely to freeze fruits?