Thursday, September 28, 2017

Currently: Where's Fall?

Current Book

One could seriously be a Hallmark Channel movie...and the other couldn't.

Current Song

Shawn Mendes There's Nothing Holding Me Back {Drew asks for it on repeat!}

Current TV Show

Season 3 is SOOO good - not shocking since book 3 is probably my favorite!

Current Drink

The last thing I had to drink today was water!

Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure

Did you see that cheesy book up top? Yeah, I've read FOUR other books by Kristan Higgins this month. I am pretty embarrassed about that fact!

Current Outfit

I meant to take a picture today because I was dressed relatively nice. Now I'm in pajama pants and an old t-shirt of Brent's.

Current Celebrity Crush

I seriously can't wait for an engagement announcement for these 2!

Current Mood

Current Anticipation

Mine and Brent's 13-year anniversary is just a few weeks away!
We have an overnight trip planned, and I'm really excited.

Current Wishlist

Nothing fits. UGH. So a new wardrobe...or losing the last of the baby weight. {grin}

Current Film

Allison and I had to cancel our date to finally see Pirates 5 when she got strep throat {seriously, having kids is the worst}, so I think we'll switch gears pretty soon to likely Oscar contenders.

Current Picture



Kathryn Bagley said...

So much to say about this post! 1. I need your recap of that cheesy romance book cause I'm sure I will want to read it! 2. So I have been seeing the previews for the upcoming outlander and you know I'm a sucker for a lost love story #onceuponatimemuch 3. I need Drew to have the new T. swift on repeat :) 4. love your pic!! oh 5. what's going on with the new gym?!

Emily said...

Clearly I’ve become more sheltered than I thought because I have ZERO idea who the couple in your celebrity crush are! The red hair makes me think Ed Sheehan but I thought he was with TayTay (randomly, hate her new song yet I don’t change the radio dial when it comes on) but that relationship may be so last year. Also: thumbs up for a good wine selfie!