Thursday, October 20, 2011

The D-Word

I have that kid.  You know the one I'm talking about.  The one who pitches a fit and hits his mom in the face and pushes his cousin for no reason.  I don't want to be that mom.  You know the one I'm talking about.  The one who begs her child to behave and bribes them or just gives in to end the tantrum.  Sometimes it feels like a losing battle. 

Discipline - training to act in accordance with rules; punishment inflicted by way of correction and training

We had a phenomenal time in San Antonio, but I spanked Trent so many times my hand hurt.  Sometimes it feels like a losing battle. 

Today he had a 15 MINUTE timeout because he couldn't calm down when he was upset.  He was back to beating his head off his bed.  Sometimes it feels like a losing battle.

Last weekend as I took him out of church, he said {loudly} 'Don't spank me Mama'.  {I didn't.  We just had a 'chat'.  Later I did pinch him though.}  Sometimes it feels like a losing battle.

Brent and I look at each other and have no idea if we're disciplining him 'right'.  Should we keep spanking him?  Is it even effective?  Do timeouts work better?  Sometimes it feels like a losing battle.

But you know what?  Sometimes it might feel like a losing battle, but I vow we will win this war!


the blogivers said...

Ugh, that doesn't sound fun, especially having to second guess yourself :( I'm sure it will get better!

Melissa said...

Oh man and I have 2 toots!

Kelly said...

I'm sorry Allena. I know this is so frusterating for you. I think that for punishment to work Trent has have to a certain level of fear. A healthy amount of fear for either the spanking, or for some consequence like time out, not getting a certain toy, etc. Without that fear then he doesn't care. He doesn't care if he gets spanked, he doesn't care if he is time out. I think discipline it all about finding that one thing that works. Keep'll get there. Hugs!

The Krause's said...

We are having the same issue with Porter right now. He gets a variety of spankings and time outs. We use different methods for different behaviors. Once they are around 4 it should be so much easier...3's are not always better than 2's. Just follow your instinct. He is just figuring out his place. :)

Monica Curry said...

I have to comment. I don't know you, but I found your blog through my good friend, Alisa Falls. This sounds like my olderst TO A T! I would go to bed at night with my hand hurting so bad from wearing Braidy's bottom out. But he didn't care. Rarely would he even cry, and I promise I spanked HARD. The saving grace for me and my child was the old wooden spoon. It only took a few GOOD spanks with that (maybe even a bare hiney, or underwear only but definitely no diaper), and he's straightened up pretty well. He's scared of the spanking spoon. It will break your heart into a million pieces those first few times you have to use it, but I promise it will be SO worth it. Good luck. These first borns are SO's scary.