Linking up with girlxoxo for an end of year recap I've done the last few years. It is really fun to look back over the year and remember all the adventures we've had. Lots of highs and only a few lows. {grin}
- Drew turned 9!
- It was a pretty normal February, which I can't complain about! We had fun at one of friend's high school basketball games which was a little day trip with the family and our Ruidoso crew.
- We enjoyed our spring break with a trip to a zoo with friends.
- Bluebonnets were ON POINT this year! My second favorite time of the year, I just love bluebonnet season.
- We had our annual trip to Dell Match Play!
- Maybe a little silly, but Brent and I 'celebrated' being together for 25 years. {He doesn't really count this anniversary, but it's still special to me!}
- We enjoyed Easter with family!
- I chaperoned Drew's overnight Girl Scouts trip to Sea World! It was such a great experience. I have loved watching her {and now Paige} be involved with Girl Scouts, such a neat organization.
- Drew became our first kid to break a bone. Womp, womp.
- Brent and I got COVID, yuck!
- But we recovered in time for his annual summer work dinner, and we turned it into a great weekend with friends.
- Trent turned THIRTEEN!!!!
- Drew and I finished the Harry Potter series, BIG moment!
- We went on a fabulous vacation with Brent's family to Napa and drank all the wine.
- I turned 42!
- The kids started school - Trent in 8th grade, Drew in 4th grade, and Paigey started Kindergarten!!!
- We went on another vacation to Hilton Head, SC with friends.
- Brent and I celebrated 18 years of marriage.
- We enjoyed trick or treating with our friends.
- We went on yet another vacation {WHO ARE WE?} to Hawaii with Brent's parents! The trip of a lifetime for sure!!
- Another successful LJA holiday party is in the books.
We have Paige's birthday to look forward to and Christmas, so 2022 is definitely going to end on a high note. We had an amazing 2022! I love that we had trips in 4 states this year. We stayed mostly healthy, had a lot of fun, and just enjoyed life.

A great year of traveling! Makes up for 2020 and 2021! I became baffled when I realized T is 13! and then that he's going to be in HS next year-what?!
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