I love doing these Q&A posts that are normally for 10 on the 10th. But how about 10 on the 14th?
1. When do you most often dress up?
Weekly I get dressed up for church. I almost always wear a dress or a skirt to church. They aren't fancy {mostly coming from Target or Old Navy}, but I always try to look nice. Brent and I do have occasional date nights/nights out with friends, and I always aim to look 'cute' - dresses, jeans with cute tops, rompers, etc.
2. What does a dress up outfit look like? What makes you feel fancy and dressed up?
We used to go to more weddings and that would always entail a dressier outfit. Now the time I get the most dressed up are for Brent's work events. He had a work event in June that will be annual that spouses are invited to that is on the dressier side and then they have an annual Holiday party which is a cocktail party.
3. Share a time when you felt especially dressed up and pretty.
The last time Brent's company had a Holiday party, I wore a velvet jumpsuit and LOVED it. My hair and makeup were on-point, and I felt pretty.
I can't wait for this year's party!! I got the most amazing shoes and will be building my whole outfit around it.
4. What does getting dressed for the day mean to you?
Workout clothes! I have a work-from-home full-time job and I exercise almost every day, so my daily uniform is leggings and tank tops.
Studio selfie!
5. Do you wear make up every day? If so, which cosmetics do you wear? Do you do anything different for special or dress up occasions?
I do NOT wear makeup everyday. I only wear it for the places I mentioned above: church, date nights, weddings, work events. I don't use fancy products or spend much money on them either. I DO spend money on skincare. For both makeup and skincare I am constantly looking for the cleanest products I can find. I struggle with foundation because I like Bare Minerals but it isn't super clean, so that's been my struggle with makeup.
Regular makeup day...and honestly a regular face for me {grin}
6. What is your skin care regimen? What issues do you address with your routine and choice of products?
I am 41 and trying to slow down the aging process. I am all about wrinkle creams, eye puffiness reduction, diminishing fine lines...all that stuff! BUT I also have oily skin and still get pimples, ugh. So most of my skin care is super clean but the only thing I've found that helps with my occasional acne is a Neutrogena face wash that is TERRIBLE.
7. Do you wear heels? A slip? Foundation garments like Spanx or, heaven forbid, a girdle?
I wear heels when the occasion calls for it. A slip or Spanx only when needed!
8. For dress up occasions, do you prefer costume jewelry or better jewelry? What is your go-to piece of jewelry? Describe any vintage or heirloom pieces you have.
I have a mix of jewelry, but I don't wear much jewelry unless we're going out. I do have my grandmother's wedding ring that I wear sometimes and love it!
9. Do you have pierced ears? If so, what age were your ears pierced?
Yes, I have pierced ears. I got them pierced when I was 3 or 4. At one point, I had 3 holes in each ear and my cartilage pierced but now just have 1 hole in each ear. I do think I might get my 2nd holes repierced. I almost always wear a pair of diamond earrings I have but do like to switch them out with some fun dangly earrings I have too.
10. Did you dress up for Halloween as a child? As an adult? Describe a favorite costume you or your children wore for Halloween. Will you be giving out candy this year?
I did dress up for Halloween as a kid but now just wear themed t-shirts. I actually had 2 made this year that I can't wait to bust out!

Do you buy your dress-up dresses or do you do Rent the Runway? I got into RTR a few years ago and became obsessed with it. I don't do it often, but I LOVE it for a wedding or bar mitzvah or another formal event.
The jumpsuit is amazing!! Need to send me a pic of your shoes :)
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