Thursday, December 17, 2020

FastSlow-Moving Train: A Weight Loss Update

Things seem to be progressing slowly BUT! still progressing, so I didn't think a post every month was warranted. I decided to go a month and a half between my previous update and this one. I think I'll probably do another update at the beginning of February to get past holidays and the girls' birthdays, so this seemed like a solid time for an update!

In my last update, I mentioned that I weighed 150 at the end of the October. I ended November at 147 {my previous low} and as of yesterday morning, I was 145, a new low!! I am just 2 pounds shy of my pre-Paige pregnancy weight, whoop!

As I do every post, I want to document a few non-scale victories as I know there is so much more to health than just our weight {even if it what I seem to fixate do so many women}:

-I am wearing a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans! I need to lose a little more for them to be really comfortable, but I am so excited to be in these jeans, they are my favorites, and I have missed them so much!
-Working out is continuing to go great! It has become such a habit that I find a way to move almost every day. I also really like that I have a wide variety of workouts I'm enjoying. In the last 2 weeks I have done jazzercise, body pump, pilates, body flow {yoga}, gone on several walks and runs!
-I had my longest run EVER in November! I know I already blogged about this, but I ran 6.5 miles the day after Thanksgiving!

My goals for the next month or so are pretty simple - to enjoy the holidays BUT not let this be an excuse to eat like crazy/backslide. I can very easily let 1 enjoyable day turn into 2 turn into a week turn into a month. I do not want to have guilt over food or resting my body! I want to continue to remain active and get back to truly focusing on losing weight in January, however, I will be really upset if I slide back more than a few pounds. Hello, the march to bathing suit season 2021 is upon us! By my next update, I would also like to be at/below my pre-pregnancy weight which is 143. I know that is only 2 pounds away, but I am giving myself grace over the holidays ha.


Natasha said...

I love all the non-weight updates -- fitting into jeans, long runs -- and also that you are giving yourself grace. You are inspiring me.

Emily said...

How am I 6 blogposts behind? Let's see how many I can comment on before I meet my two friends for a belated "Christmas wobble" run. Your non-scale victories continue to be my favorite. The number on the scale seems like a big deal but the non-scale victories are what keep you going! So far, you have not backslid so I think this is a promising December!