Friday, December 18, 2020

Currently: Christmas on My Mind

Current Book

As a HUGE fan of The Office, this is fascinating!

Current Song

I am listening to almost non-stop Christmas carols, which should not surprise anyone who knows me.

I did, however, buy T. Swift's second surprise album, but to be honest I haven't listened to it much...yet...due to said Christmas songs.

Current TV Show

Finally! They're back!!!

Current Podcast

Another True Crime winner! I'm 3 episodes in and it's soooo good.

Current Drink

I just tried one of these for the first time - and it was excellent!

Current Food

Brent brought home treats from the gas station today...I've been snacking on Cheetos and candy...eek!

Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure

I have to give it to the gas station candy, ha.

Current Outfit

Christmas 24/7 around here!

Current Celebrity Crush

I'm still crushing pretty hard on the guy who humored me with matching pjs!

Current Mood

SO EXCITED! School and work are done today for 2 1/2 weeks!

Current Anticipation

This is a no-brainer, but in the next 2 1/2 weeks we celebrate:
- Paige's birthday
- Christmas
-Drew's birthday

Current Wishlist

I'm really excited for Christmas to see what my loved ones got me, ha!
I gave my mom some very basic items: curling wand, a new fan, super exciting stuff, but I'm really excited to get them! And Brent told me to not look at Amazon or our cc bill, so I'm super curious what he got me!!

Current Film

Current Picture

Terrible picture, but I needed to capture this moment of sibling harmony!


Kathryn Bagley said...

Umm Taylor's new album is ahhhmazing! ha! She's pure genius. Can't wait to see what you got either! I need to find a way to watch DCC!

Natasha said...

I love the "current picture" and the "current celebrity crush"! HAHAHA!!! Also, now I want Cheetos... Why weren't those on our grocery list yesterday???

Emily said...

What did you think of the new Wonder Woman? It's on our list to watch before it disappears from Disney+. I liked the first half of the first WW movie, but the second half was terrible. I generally dislike comic book movies though I keep trying them to see if I find an exception; kind of like reading thriller books! Ha!