Thursday, April 26, 2018


Current Book

Book Challenge Category: A book published in 2018

Current Song

The Greatest Showman soundtrack on repeat - this is mine and T's fave - 
I have the kids listening to it and they love it too! Can't wait to show them the movie

Current TV Show

I got nothing - this book challenge is taking up all my time and yet I'm losing.

Current Drink

I had a chai earlier - anyone surprised?!

Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure

In addition to my book above, I'm slow re-reading a romance trilogy.
I'm not shy that I love romance novels...but it is kind of embarrassing!

Current Outfit

A tee with jeggings - I'm too lazy to get up and take a picture...
or put on a bra {grin}

Current Celebrity Crush

I was never a huge Zac Efron fan...until The Greatest Showman - yum!

Current Mood

Is tired a mood? I've stayed up too late several nights this week!

Current Anticipation

We are going to Brent's cousin's this weekend, and I am so excited but also stressed because Paige has proven to be a nightmare at sleeping anywhere but her bed. Gulp.

Current Wishlist

I plan on getting new running shoes VERY soon.
Being a grown-up and getting old is lame - my feet hurt after I workout!

I think our next big purchase will be a mattress - so exciting, right? Ha!

And not that I want to buy this, but we saw the orthodontist yesterday,
and T's going to need a new appliance for his tongue thrust - this one isn't working.

Current Film

As I posted yesterday, Allison and I just saw this one and loved it!

Current Picture

I snapped this picture this morning on the way to school - 
love her little crossed feet and you can tell she's sucking her thumb.


Kathryn Bagley said...

My fav running shoes are Brooks Launch :) i also like running to GS soundtrack ha!

Natasha said...

I'm curious what your romance trilogy re-read is?! I'm currently adding some of Nora's Chesapeake Bay quartet to my reading. I agree - I'm not shy that I love romance books but it does feel a bit like a "shame inducing pleasure" and really, it shouldn't be...