Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Black and White

Guys, I'm having a real crisis here. I'm starting to go gray, and I don't know what to do about it. Well, that's not really true. I know what to do about it but am having a hard time accepting reality.

Let me explain.

My hair is dark. Super dark. So dark that Drew won't let me say I have brown hair. I tried to say something about us both having brown hair. 'No, Mom, your hair is black.' 

It used to be a normal brown. A boring, average brown.

See? You'd even maybe say an auburn brown?
And bluebonnets because - duh - Texan. {grin}

But as I get older, it keeps on getting darker. I've even been asked if I dye it to get it so dark. Nope!

BUT...the gray hair is creeping in. And I am dead set against dyeing it. And here's why:
1) It's expensive - hair dye is NOT what I want to use disposable income for
2) You have to get it done a lot - I get my haircut about twice a year, I don't want to be at the salon every 6 weeks
3) I'll hate it - the few times I highlighted my hair in my 20s, I never liked it
4) Eventually, I will have 'see through' hair - you know what I'm talking about - the little old ladies who have black hair but it's so obviously all white hair that you can see through it
5) At the point where I decide to go natural, that will look really bad - half white, half black? Who wants that?

Right now, I'm losing a battle of pulling the white ones out. More and more are creeping in, and I don't really know why I want to pull them out. I'm not afraid to show my age, but it's like they taunt me in the mirror. White hairs against almost black hair? It's SO white.

So I sit here thinking:
1) Give in and start dyeing it? NO!!!!
2) Keep pulling them out? Such a waste of time and energy!
3) Accept it and move on. Obviously the right answer but SO HARD!

What's a girl to do?!?!


Natasha said...

It took me a year to stop pulling all my grey hairs out. And another year after that to accept them. And I still grimace every time I look too closely in the mirror so A) "accept" is used loosely here and B) I don't look too closely in the mirror very often :)

Allison said...

So frustrating! Would you consider dying your hair at home? The boxes are about $10 and I know a lot of people that are able to do it themselves - after a few times it gets a lot easier.

Emily said...

Ugh I am exactly where you are. While my hair is not as black as yours, it’s definitrly dark brown, which still highlights the greys TERRIBLY. Good news is that so far, the majority of mine are under my hair, so as long as I don’t do a pony tail or pull it back, they are less obvious. But they are rapidly creeping in the top and I’m frantically plucking them. My hairdresser (who I see every 8-10 weeks because my hair is much healthier when cut on ascgesule) has advised against dyeing because (in her words) “once you start, you can’t go back.” Plus I agree with all your arguments against dyeing. Ugh. What are we to do?