Monday, January 22, 2018

Photo-a-Day Week 3

Day 15: Rule Breakers

Day 16: A Clean Sink!

Day 17: Nap Protestor

Day 18: Flu Victim #3 Day 1

Day 19: More Flu-ing

Day 20: Doctor's Visit #4

Day 21: Returning to the Land of the Living


Kathryn Bagley said...

You suck flu!

Emily said...

Ugh the flu is just rampant this year!!! I know half dozen people that have been struck with it. I don’t know how we’ve escaped other than maybe this incessant cough / snot is keeping us sick enough that the flu germs don’t think we are a worthy host (like in World War Z movie haha). Of course Oliver ate a piece of pepperoni off the grocery store floor today so hey maybe we are next.