Friday, March 11, 2011

Words With Friends Trent

I have wanted to videotape the funny things Trent says but it's obviously impossible to time when a toddler is going to say something.  So I wanted to record them in another fashion to never forget.
  • For a lot of words, he repeats the first syllable.  Movie = moo-moo. Miles = My-my.
  • Fish (goldfish) = bi (like the first phrase of big, not like bicycle).  It took me forever to figure out what he wanted to eat when he said 'bi'.  Now I know.
  • Water...this one is hysterical.  It started as him only signing water (the sign for 'W' bounced off your mouth but he only used his first finger), then he started wiggling his tongue and saying 'bah, bah, bah' while his finger was in front of his mouth.  Now he just goes 'bah, bah, bah' and wiggles his tongue.  HYSTERICAL!
  • He pairs people together.  When he sees one of us or one grandparent, he immediately names the other person missing.  If he sees 'Nana', he immediately says 'Papa'.  He does this with the owners of his school, too.
It is so funny having a toddler in the house! {grin}