Thursday, October 27, 2022

Currently: Flu Fun

Current Book

This is very weird.

Current Song

Just started listening to this, love me some T. Swift!

Current TV Show

Brent loves this show, and I couldn't get into it.
I'm thinking of trying to catch up so we can watch it together...

Current Audiobook/Podcast

Current Drink

Lots of Emergen-C - trying so hard to NOT GET SICK!

Current Food

Our grocery store makes soups, and I am obsessed with their chicken and dumpling soup. I'm definitely going to bust out my recipe very soon.

Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure

I'm eating Bottlecaps as I type this!

Current Outfit

Workout clothes - who's surprised?
Let's focus on how cute my dress was this weekend for the wedding!

Current Celebrity Crush

Anyone else excited for this?

Current Mood

I am DONE having sick kids!

Current Anticipation

Going to see this next week!

Current Wishlist

We need new sheets which doesn't sound like a wishlist item.
Except we have a sleep number bed with a split top.
So our sheets are expensive {for what I think sheets should be}.

Current Movie

Really excited about this one!

Current Picture

Working from home with 2 sick kids means your chair for 1 becomes a chair for 3.


Kathryn Bagley said...

what is your current drink?? Also can't wait to watch that movie as well! Hope the kids feel better soon :)

Emily said...

I feel the sick kids thing. Oliver and Carson had RSV in October and now Aaron has the flu. Over this.
Love your dress for the wedding! Also have never had a bottlecap! I don't know if I've even seen them before? I'm sure they are in movie theaters and I never noticed.