Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tantrums 101

Trent has recently started throwing tantrums when he doesn't get his way. "Oh, I can't have a cookie/ice cream for breakfast?  Let me just show you how that makes me feel, mmm kay?"  For the most part, I can't help but want to laugh.  Twice, though, we've had to take him and put him in his crib because he was SO agitated that we decided he needed some alone time to cool down.  What exactly is he doing?  Well, I'm so glad you asked!

1. Look at mommy in disbelief. "Seriously?  Your going to deny my cute face the item I so desperately NEED?"
2. Start crying.  Allow giant crocodile tears to pour from eyes.
3. Throw myself out of her arms if being held.  Once on the floor, run to the nearest wall and bang head on wall.  OR pull hair - hers, mine, doesn't matter just pull.
4. Continue to wail until distracted by toy/pacifier/milk/snack.
5. Repeat often.

Brent and I hope we are responding appropriately.  Once we have told Trent no, we stick with that answer and don't give in.  We're sticking with 'consistency is key' and hoping for the best.  The mommy handbook doesn't teach that the 'Terrible Twos' start at a minute past 1 year old! {grin}


A Real Housewife said...

obviously i have no experience, but i heard consistency is the answer....who knows?!

Anonymous said...

Mommy has started to tell Trent no and he doesn't like it. He may need a helmet. - Brent

Kelly said...

Haha...Brent's comment was cute! I think consistency is the key...and take notes so I can learn what to do when I have a 2(ish) year old!

Ashley said...

I have a 19 month old who went through this phase (tantrums that included him banging his head against the fridge, floor, wall) and still occasionally does. The 'consistency is key' plan is what we have stuck to, as well. Good luck :)