Current Song
Still can't get Lose My Mind out of my head!
Current TV Show
It's that time again!!!
Current Drink
I took the kids to the library today, and there's a little cafe in there where we get a treat when we're done. I was MELTING when we checked out all our books {the kids were so good, but it's still a lot!}, so I got a frozen hot chocolate and saved some for after dinner dessert! Yum!
Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure
Not so proud of that drink, ha
Current Outfit
I showered with Paige earlier because she's got a nasty nose, so I'm already in my pj's - an old t-shirt of Brent's! {It's one my parents bought Brent in New Orleans that says - TEAMWORK There's No "I" in Drunk - love it!}
Current Celebrity Crush
I know I shouldn't want these 2 together...but...
Current Mood
Hopeful and optimistic. School has started off great, and I really hope it continues!
Current Anticipation
I'm going to Chicago in a few weeks for a work meeting, and I'm excited for a couple of reasons -
1) I've never met most of my team in real life
2) I love Chicago'll be my first time away from Paige overnight, so I'm nervous, too.
Current Wishlist
I really want a Vitamix, and we really NEED a new mattress.
Being a grown-up isn't a lot of fun!
Current Film
This is at the local discount cinema, so I think Allison and I will go soon!
Current Picture
I still pinch myself daily that these 3 cuties are mine!!!
Interested to hear about your current book! DCC-love that show!
Hard to believe but I've never had a frozen hot chocolate. I love hot chocolate so much, particularly when spiked with Dutch Caramel Vodka after hours of shoveling snow in the driveway. But frozen? Never. I so need to remedy this but I'd rather get it crafted from some cute cafe versus, say, Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts (do you have DD in the south? Wasn't sure how far they spread)
What do you (did you) think about All The Missing Girls? It was kind of weird reading it "backwards."
I have never spent a night away from both my husband AND my kids and I get six of them this fall. Three for youth sponsor things and three to go celebrate my aunt's 80th birthday. It feels a little insane to me :)
The only way I'm going to be okay with Jon and Daenerys being together is if it turns out she's not actually a Targaryen after all.
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