I got back late Tuesday night from my amazing trip to Harry Potter World with my best friend, Kristen. We had the BEST time! We've been best friends for 15 years, and this is the most uninterrupted time we've had together just the 2 of us, and it was glorious. 10/10 would recommend!
I won't go into all the details because I doubt most people care about HP World the way the 2 of us do. If you have any specific questions about what we did, what we loved, what we wished we had done differently, ask away!
Our trip was scheduled for Saturday - Tuesday with 2 days of tickets for Universal Studios on Sunday/Monday. We decided to add Saturday at Epcot Center once we arrived in Florida because they were having their annual Food and Wine Festival.
On the way to pick Kristen up, wearing my awesome HP shirt!
HAD to try poutine and we LOVED it!
Wine flight? Don't mind if we do!
The beignet that was not a beignet and we threw it away, sad.
Look at that funnel cake, yum!
We only went on 1 ride at Epcot.
We spent a lot of the trip looking like a couple, ha!
So Sunday we did NOT get up early to rush to HP World and got there around 12:00 or so. There are 2 parts to HP World - Diagon Alley is in the main Universal Park and Hogsmeade is in Islands of Adventure, so we got a park-to-park pass to be able to enjoy all the Universal parks. We didn't go to the water park, so I can't tell you anything about it.
First thing we saw once we go to the HP side was King's Cross!
The Knight Bus
No. 12 Grimmauld Place with Kreacher peaking out
Our first view of Diagon Alley!!!!!!!
We might have been 100% freaking out here!
There are 4 Harry Potter rides - Escape from Gringott's, Hagrid's Motorbike, The Forbidden Journey, and Flight of the Hippogriff. We are NOT rollercoaster people but decided we would try all of these. And were scared sh*tless the whole time about it. On Sunday we did Escape from Gringott's and Flight of the Hippogriff. Gringott's was a mix of some rollercoaster elements but a lot of 3D stuff.
Scared before we got on!
It was definitely scary but we survived and both said we would do it again. Now that we know what happens it would probably actually be fun the second time, ha.
After that we felt like we deserved a treat, so we had some lunch at The Leaky Cauldron and had our first taste of butter beer...the sweetest nectar of the Gods.
We went into all the shops in Diagon Alley and then decided to head to Hogsmeade. A definite annoying part was the line to take the Hogwarts Express. Took us an hour to ride the 5 minute 'train' ride - which basically covered what takes 15 minutes to walk. But definitely an experience!
Our first view of Hogsmeade! We loved the 'snow' on the buildings.
And more butter beer at The Three Broomsticks!
THE CASTLE!!!!!!!!!!
We shopped in Hogsmeade and rode The Flight of the Hippogriff, which is described as 'family friendly' but still scared us ha. We had heard there was a Death Eater show at 7:30 so we hung around for that.
One more butter beer while we wait!
A Death Eater! Run!
Islands of Adventure closed at 8:00 so we went back to the hotel, read, watched crap tv, talked and just vegged.
Monday we headed back to Universal to ride our last 2 rides - the 2 we were most scared about and buy gifts for the kiddos.
Is this cute or nerdy? Both? Ha!
We actually got a ton of comments on our glasses ha. Thanks, Target!
I had to take a picture in the Simpsons area because Trent loves that show!
I got him a Bart Simpson hoodie, ha.
Hanging out with the dragon
We didn't take many pictures on Day 2, but we DID ride Hagrid's Motorbike and The Forbidden Journey. Hagrid's Motorbike was a 50-mph rollercoaster and I wanted to cry through most of it. I'd do it again because it was way cool, but it was also very scary. The Forbidden Journey was a virtual adventure and I like those because I can close my eyes when I get freaked out ha. It was my favorite ride for sure!
We ended up getting wands for all our girls, the hoodie for Trent, and Rhett {Kristen's son} loves The Cat in the Hat, so she got him a stuffie from Dr. Seuss-land. Which also had some very weenie rides that we rode and LOVED ha.
We ended the night with pizza and Harry Potter trivia in our hotel room!
Tuesday we talked about hanging out by the pool but ended up just lounging in our room. Our flight out was at 4:00 so we checked out at 1:30 and headed to the airport. Super long day of travel with some delays but finally got home at 11:00, whew! So much fun! {And I guess I can't help share way too many details!}
A trip a decade+ in the making, and we had the absolute best time!

This is so fun. Tell me what butter beer actually is? Is it literally beer mixed with butter? Also I saw on Instagram that you are a Hufflepuff? That surprised me! I am definitely a Ravenclaw. Aaron is definitely a Slytherin even though he doesn't want to be (he and the hat would be having an argument). Adam might be a Hufflepuff, too.
OMG I love everything about this post! I'm not a huge HP fan but just knowing you were so excited and having been there a few months prior was exciting for me! UGH the motorbike was my fav!! We did do the simpsons ride and i absolutely HATE HATE the simpsons but shockingly the ride was pretty fun! Im so glad yall got to go and just have some friend time :)
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