Plot: A musical fantasy about the fantastical human story of Elton John's breakthrough years.
Review: I continue to love musicals and band biopics! I really didn't know any of Elton John's backstory, so it was very fascinating to learn about him. For example, I didn't know he typically didn't write his own lyrics. He met a man, Bernie, when he was first starting out, and he put music to Bernie's lyrics, and they've been working together for 50 years! Fascinating! However, there were some parts that were a little over-the-top/out there, and I felt it was just a smidge long. Taron Egerton was fantastic, the music was great, learning so much was very interesting - a really entertaining movie! I'd probably given it an A- or a B+. Anyone else see it?
Geaux Tigers! haha..sorry brent! I've never been a huge elton john fan but I'm sure he's got a great story. DA comes out in 11 days!
I really want to see this movie BUT Rachel's new favourite song (for about six months or so) is Rocketman and she desperately wants to see it. Sadly, I don't really think it's for eight year olds. So I don't think I can go see it without her without causing major friction in our house. Kids...!
She saw this picture and blog post title on my computer this morning and started complaining about how she STILL hasn't seen this movie and it's NOT FAIR.
I can’t find/remember your review on Bohemian Rhapsody so how do you think it compared? I felt Queen was spectacular and when I saw commercials for Rockman all I could think was they were riding the coattails.
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