Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Results Are In: Can Paige Swim?

We survived our 2 weeks of swim boot camp for Paige! I can definitely confirm that this class is a lot easier when 1) you just take 1 kid, 2) you aren't pregnant, and 3) that one kid isn't Trent. {grin}

Upside: Paige definitely handled lessons better than both Trent and Drew did even though she was younger than both of them. I would say this is because of 2 things - first, Paige LOVES being in water, and second, she is much more of a 'chill' kid - very easy-going and happy. She cried about 50% of the first class, and she never cried after that. A few days in, she was jumping in and was smiling and loving every class! Made for a much less-stressful situation than our first time.

Bribery? What's that?

Downside: She's not as strong of a swimmer as Drew was by the time she finished which I think is just due to her age, definitely not lack of effort! We won't compare her to Trent since he was killing it by the end of class, ha. But while Drew was still somewhat nervous and didn't love class, she advanced more than Paige did by the end.

BUT the reason I wanted to do this early in the summer is that we'll have the entire summer to practice, and I really expect a lot of progress by the end of summer. We swim many times a week, and all she wants to do is jump off the side and swim to us! Where she struggles is kicking, she hasn't quite figured out how to do that consistently, but she's improving every time!

Her best kicking!

I'm excited to see how strong she gets by the end of the summer - I don't expect to trust her in the water, but it'll be nice to have some confidence that if she fell in unsupervised {God forbid} she could get back to the side.


Kathryn Bagley said...

yay paige! I love how they push their heads to get them to the side..ha!