Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Drew's Ice Cream 6th Birthday

Yes, you read that title correctly. My January birthday girl wanted an ice cream party for her birthday. Given we live in Texas, that isn't too far-fetched of a request, so we obliged, and on Saturday, we had an ice cream party! I am kicking myself because I didn't take very many pictures, but I think I still captured her party nicely.

 Balloons and presents! {and golf for the dads}

We went to a birthday party that morning, so it was nice to not have cake.
Lots of ice cream and toppings - Drew's request was crushed m&m's!

Singing to the birthday girl!

It was so fun to watch her open her presents - 
all her girlfriends oohed and aahed.

Nana got her a Fingerling named DREW!!!!!

Very loud little people

Brent said we're never having that many girls in our house again, ha. They were all so sweet and had so much fun, and our girl was very much the bell of the ball. Such a special, simple day for our sweet 6 year old!!


Kathryn Bagley said...

I love an ice cream buffet! Looks like a lot of fun :)

Natasha said...

Rachel wanted ice cream sundaes for her birthday celebration the year she was five. I LOVED it! It was so much easier than making a cake. However, her birthday is in June so it made a bit more sense. I would probably do an ice cream sundae birthday in January though because ice cream is good any time, right?!?!?!