You can tell I was feeling better in March based on the number of pictures I am sharing versus February! And now I'll be caught up, whew. {grin}
Love watching her fall asleep sucking her fingers -
so curious if she will be a permanent finger sucker...
Catching spiders
Texas winter!
Loving on Paige - this never gets old for me
So for Miles' birthday, we went to a place called Mt. Playmore.
The kids had the most fun looking under the equipment looking for treasures. Ha!
I love watching her learn and figure out the world!
Doesn't she look so prim and proper?
Walking with my big girl
How I spent part of every day
Where we started our 'Operation Crib Naps' over Spring Break
Where we ended them...
Dying watching the bond between these 2 grow stronger every day
Always my little helper
Changing table talking
How many fingers can she shove in there?
Laughing over her taking 1 bite out of each piece of pizza and propping them up
Dentist trips over Spring Break
Drew got scared, so Bubba went first and was so kind to his sister.
Naps at Babs and Pops' house
Together they have a complete meal...these 2...sigh.
Drew the Photographer
OMG. Matching outfits!!!!
Tummy time gone wrong
Cracking up at Trent's expression - totally bored.
Was so proud of her for wanting to ride the horses!
Now she wants 2 horses. Um...
Carousel cuties
Meeting Rhett
41 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy...totally worth it!
First big girl stroller ride! She loves to sit up.
Brent had a procedure this week, and he had to take a Xanax before it. {grin}
Tummy time is always better if she can eat her fingers!
Doing his spelling work without complaining - I had to document this!
What's been going on in your life lately?