Thursday, March 14, 2013

Drew's 2 Month Check-Up

Because we had a weight check at 6 weeks, we didn't have Drew's official 2 month well-check until yesterday. She was adorable the entire time and even performed a new trick for her doctor - rolling over! {I think it was the way she was propped up on her tummy that prompted it but still such a star either way, ha.}

Weight: 11 pounds, 11 ounces (50-75%)
Length: 23 inches (75%)
Head circumference: 40.3 cm (95-98%!!!)

*Thrush is back as I suspected. BIG.FAT.BOO.ON.THAT. I hate thrush. It sucks treating it.
*She got her first vaccine, which I did Drew.
*Drew is adorable.


KristenW said...

So cute! Sorry you still have to deal with thrush issues:(

Anonymous said...

She is so precious! Lucky mommy :) Cele