Friday, March 15, 2013

Thrush is a 4 Letter Word

I might not particularly enjoy applying Nystatin to Drew's mouth 3 times a day.

I also don't like washing bras and towels after a single use.

Repeatedly applying medicine to my nips {TMI?} and letting them air dry has lost its charm.

But the kicker? 

Having to pour out my pumped milk. DEVASTATING.

You might wonder why I'm still pumping. Well, I want to keep my supply up to ensure I get enough stored for when I go back to work. But due to this nightmare of thrush, I haven't been able to put anything in the freezer in over a month.

Goodbye liquid gold...
This mama is sobbing your trip down the drain


Adventures of Three Harts said...

Bless your heart! I'd be crying too. That stuff is GOLD and pumping is hard work!

Your 2013 Mother's Day gift should be awesome this year, you have earned it already!

the blogivers said...

Hoping the issues clear up soon :(