Mid-Year Touchpoint
I thought it'd be a good idea (since 2010 is half over - where has the time gone?) to see how my 2010 Resolutions were progressing...
- Get more organized - I'm trying...some days are good, some are not. I'd give myself a B- on this one.
- Learn to play the guitar - I have a loaner guitar and instructional DVD and can play 3 notes...B
- Donate milk to the Austin Milk Bank - Yup! I did it. A+
- Reclaim my body - in process...B
- Continue to grow in my faith and become more involved in my church - Another one that's a continual process. I LOVE my church and will see where I feel led as the year continues...
Here's hoping the 2nd half of 2010 is as great as the first!
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