Current Book(s)
Brent and I are ssslllooowwwlllyyy watching this.
It's really good, I'm just bad at TV. {grin}
Current Audiobook/Podcast
I think I like Parks and Rec more than The Office.
This podcast isn't as good {so far} as Office Ladies, but I'm enjoying it!
Current Drink
I'm so predictable here and had a delicious chai today, yum!
Current Food
Continuing to be obsessed with The Jennifer Aniston Salad!
Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure
The numbers of Craisins I'm putting in said salad, ha!
Current Outfit
I'm wearing my AWESOME Harry Potter t-shirt!
[old pic but it seemed fitting because it's shocking I'm not in workout clothes]
Current Celebrity Crush
Very eager for summer!
The kids have barely 1 month of school left, eek!
I can't wait for the lazy days of no school!!!
Current Wishlist
Speaking of summer, I need new bathing suits...
but am not happy with where I'm that's not fun. Ugh!
Current Movie
Really getting excited for the Downton Abbey movie, it's almost here!
And ready for this to not be the movie I've talked about for months!
Current Picture