Our Christmas was the same as it always is - with one exception - so instead of posting a million pictures, I'm just sharing 1-2 for each event. You're welcome!
[Sidebar: I'm navigating teens and pre-teens who don't love that I share their pictures on here, so I'm trying to figure out how to respect their privacy while also sharing about my life.]
Christmas Eve - our plan was to spend the day at my sister's, but she decided to have ruptured diverticulitis and spend 4 days in the hospital! We got together still but didn't do any actual Christmas 'stuff' and saved that for when she came home.
Will never not want to squeeze this little guy
Christmas morning - We opened presents and hung out at home!
Christmas night - we went to Brent's parents' house and had a yummy fajita dinner and did all the Christmas things.
Swope Christmas - Patty got home 12/26, so we got together at my parents' house on 12/28 to celebrate together.
She didn't want to eat a Christmas wreath but humored me with a pic!