I have been able to watch a Best Picture nominees at home. Brent and I rented Boyhood from our on-demand, and HBO has been running The Grand Budapest Hotel.
Plot: The life of a young man, Mason, from age 5 to age 18.
Review: Brent and I both really like this movie. There's not really a plot because it's supposed to just be following these characters. At times, I would forget it wasn't a documentary. Until Ethan Hawke would come onscreen, and I would think 'oh yeah, movie.' I really liked both of the kids in the movie and thought it was a really unique idea. I don't think it will win Best Picture {and God help me if Birdman does}, but I wouldn't be upset if it did.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Plot: The adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous hotel from the fictional Republic of Zubrowka between the first and second World Wars, and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend.
Review: This is the 3rd West Anderson film I've seen {review of Moonrise Kingdom HERE} and by far my favorite. It's kooky but so fun. I feel like the other movies of his I've seen aren't quite as quick-witted as this one and when it's kooky, it needs to be quick. I really think Ralph Fiennes deserved a nomination for Best Actor. He is phenomenal. Again, this won't win Best Picture, but it was really great!