Sunday, May 19, 2013


Day 19: 5 of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

Any blog I have on my sidebar I obviously love or I wouldn't put them there, but all that I have are very different.

1. Austin Moms Blog: Duh. Because I write for it, haha!

2. Elefantitas Alegres/Dee's Adventures/In No Simple Language: These are my newest mommy blog loves. All 3 ladies are wonderful story-tellers and I love reading about their little girls: Leighton, Shelby and Maggie.

3. First Name Smith: Because Kristen always writes what she feels. I sensor myself a lot because I constantly think about 'Big Brother' {aka my bosses and clients}.

4. Banned from Baby Showers: When I got up the courage to say OUT LOUD that I wanted to have a natural birth (I was thinking it for a long time but wasn't sure I could really do it), I found this blog. Donna founded her own natural childbirth education curriculum and is just awesome. I read her entire blog in the month before Drew joined our family. The best part is should I really get my dream of becoming a childbirth educator someday, I totally qualify for hers - you just have to have breastfed for a year {check} and have had a natural birth {check}. Sweet!!

5. Handbags and Handguns: Misty is really funny and talks about TV shows and movies and all that really important stuff.


Dee Stephens said...

Oh, thanks for the shout out!!

Karen M. Peterson said...

I love Handbags and Handguns. Misty is awesome!