Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Trent is funny.  Hysterical at times.  I really want to remember some of the best things he's been saying/doing lately.

  • We read 2 books he got for Christmas quite often.  'I Stink' about a garbage truck and 'I'm Dirty' about a backhoe loader.  We take turns reading the book - he knows it so well, he can quote the whole thing.  And he bosses which lines I get to read.  I want to video him doing that.
  • Papa was telling him goodnight and Trent said 'Come visit again another day.'
  • He doesn't like to be picked up from either set of grandparents' houses.  He now asks 'Are you ready for this?' and gives me a hug and a kiss.  Papa taught him that to help him have something fun to do when we got there, and it's working!
  • My uncle is staying with my parents for a few days after being released from rehab after his leg amputation.  (He is doing great with his recovery!)  Trent woke up after a very short nap over at my parents today and said 'Uncle Bruce's hopping sticks woke me up.'  I mean seriously.  That kid kills me.
  • Yesterday he told me that he changed his mind and didn't want a baby sister after all.  Um, so sorry to hear that, bud.  She's coming!
Sleeping and cuddling with Curious George.  
I love that you can see his toes.