Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Weekend Recap

We had a really great, low-key weekend with a little bit of one-on-one time with my love and some good kiddo time.

Friday night, we had my work holiday party. I don't know why we started doing it in January, but it certainly made for a fun night out! I forgot to take a picture, but we looked good. {grin}

My parents kept the kids, and I came home to this awesomeness.

 Saturday, Brent went to play golf and I decided to go to the grocery store with both kids. The trip was a great success, mainly due to the procurement of a race car shopping cart. Drew loved being in the cart WITH HER BROTHER.

To take full advantage of the beautiful afternoon, we played at the neighborhood park and went on a wagon ride. Blankie had to join us.

Then, Saturday night, my heart exploded.

My parents and I each bought Drew TOM'S for her birthday and due to my awesome measuring skills, they are too big. So we hit up the outlet mall to get her a pair of her first 'real' shoes.

T's reward for being so cooperative in the shoe store.

It's not always fun to be the little one. {And meet her 'baby'.}

Said shoes!!!! CCCCUUUUTTEEEE!!

And then, Monday, busy season started {my 11th} and a little piece of my soul died.


Kelly said...

Busy season...ugh!! Sorry girl!