Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 - The Rundown

2011 was a new year for us.  We made a few big changes, which were scary, but we knew they were the right ones for us.  Brent quit his job at the state after 7 years to venture out into a commission only job.  At the same time, I went from a full-time auditor to a 90% of full-time auditor.  Both meant a reduction in income.  But they meant more time as a family!  It's been a stressful year but a really good year too!  I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store.  As dorky  as it sounds, I am so excited for a new year!  But before we get to 2012, I wanted to look back on 2011.

I tried Project 52 and pretty much failed.  But I had fun doing it and plan to do it or something like it again.  Katie posted monthly goals.  That might be better.  We'll see...  I'm marinating.

I got a new car, but not because I wanted to.  So thankful for health in 2011!

I also got a niece!  Man oh man, do I love my Baby Girl!

My little guy turned TWO.  We had a rockin' birthday party!

I learned I love cake decorating.

My uncle passed away.  Mortality is a bitch.

I got really into natural medicine.  Brent hates me.

I joined twitter!

I celebrated 7 years of marriage to my wonderful husband.

Trent moved up to a big boy bed and got potty trained!

Where I feel like I didn't do so good was my overall goal of organization.  I had good weeks and bad weeks, but I know this will be my struggle for life, so I'm proud that I kept trying all year.  We also stopped having a cleaning lady come this summer, and that has not helped, but I'm working on that too.  

I am also pretty disappointed in my lack of willpower in losing the last of the baby weight.  But, totally cliche I know, I joined a gym this week.  2012 is going to be the year I am not grossed out anymore!

Looking back on the year, I think I did more than I realized.  It was a good year, my heart is full. {grin}


Kelly said...

I think sometimes all we can ask for is a full heart. At the end of the day it doesn't matter how much money we have, what car we drive or how clean our house is. What matters is that we are loved and have given love in return. If that is the measuring stick of happiness then you and I, my friend, are very happy girls! :) Love you!

Stephanie said...

Hi!! I'm a new reader & I love your blog so far!! So random that you are an auditor. I am too :)