Thursday, October 30, 2014

November Blogathon

Kristen over at The Mrs. and the Momma is hosting a blogathon in November. A challenge to blog {almost} every day in November. I love when someone gives me prompts for blogging, and I love Kristen, so I thought why not?

Here are the prompts:

>>>FALL State of Mind Week<<<
Monday 11/3 - There are 30 days in November, so share 30 facts about yourself.
Tuesday 11/4 - Share your go-to, favorite Fall recipe.
Wednesday 11/5 - Tell about your Fall or Holiday season traditions.
Thursday 11/6 - Get your craft a Fall craft...or link to your favorite Martha Stewart one!
Friday 11/7 - Tell us about your health/exercise routine.  Do you have one?  Tips?  What works for you?

>>>Week of BLOGGING Threes<<<
Monday 11/10 - Share your 3 favorite posts from your archives
Tuesday 11/11 - What are 3 of your blogging goals?
Wednesday 11/12 - Put yourself out there and do a vlog about whatever tickles your fancy.
Thursday 11/13 - If you could tell your novice blogger self 3 tips you wish you'd known...
Friday 11/14 - Introduce 3 blogs you read/frequent and tell why you enjoy them.

>>>Self-Reflection Week<<<
Monday 11/17 - Tell about your city/hometown...what to do there, little gems, best restaurants, etc.
Tuesday 11/18 - Write a "currently" posts using these prompts HERE.
Wednesday 11/19 - Write a letter of forgiveness to some one you've held a grudge against...leaving names out of course.
Thursday 11/20 - Talk about you pray?  How has it affected your life?  Stories?
Friday 11/21 - What did you want to be when you grew up?  How did that pan out?  Do you still have those dreams?

>>>HOLIDAY Week<<<
Monday 11/24 - What are your favorite Fall/Winter trends?  What clothes flatter your body type?  Feel free to make this shoppable!
Tuesday 11/25 - Post your best/favorite family photo(s) words necessary.
Wednesday 11/26 - Favorite Christmas music and what do you most look forward to in December?
Thursday 11/27 - Thankful List
Friday 11/28 - Holiday Wish List (that everyone can shop...or send you gifts!)

Want to join me? 


Kathryn Bagley said...

Umm what about November 1 & 2?? Lol! I'm excited about this!!

Unknown said...

Ditto what Kathryn said! These topics look like fun! Fun for me to read, I mean. :)