Monday, June 30, 2014

They Say It's Your Birthday

In the blink of an eye...

Happy 5th birthday, my little man! 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Randoms...from Training

I'm paying really close attention to a training I'm in right now. We're supposed to be doing an exercise from materials that I didn't even download. Um...yeah. So since I have been crickets this week, I thought it'd be time to do a random update of sorts!

  • My bookworm self is in heaven! Outlander #8! I am flying through it, and it is SO intense!

  • Our training facility has a REAL Starbucks in it - and we don't pay for anything while on campus. And I'm eating jelly beans for breakfast.
  • Somebody turns FIVE on Sunday. How is that possible? We're not having a full-blown party {just family and Godparents} and going camping. So excited!
  • This is what I have in my hotel room? {grin}
  • Drew had a party on Tuesday night on-and-off until 2:00 AM and then I got up at 4:00 to drive to training. Needless to say, I think I have a reason for my lack of attention!
  • I'm hosting a giveaway with Ruthie Hart. Go enroll!!
What's random with you?

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Only Word to Describe Life Right Now...Ugh

3 of the 4 Gurleys are sick. Everyone but Trent. It's an especially nasty stomach flu. Drew's been sick for SIX days. Yes, SIX. Brent picked it up on Sunday morning, and I started feeling bad Sunday evening. Today was pretty awful. Drew's pediatrician is starting to get concerned but she seemed a little more like herself today and had a better attitude than the last several days {can you say ear-exploding shrieking and only wanting mommy?}. Of course she wouldn't drink the homemade pedialyte I made her, ha. So we'll see if the next few days bring some relief.

Lots of Baby Signing Time snuggles - rule of Gurley - sick kids get extra movies

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Post Post-Partum

I had something totally different in mind to blog about today...but life has a way of making a post necessary sometimes, and this is one of those posts.

I taught an oils class tonight, and on the way there a song starting playing from my phone playlist, Lady Antebellum's Downtown. I absolutely love and hate that song at the same time. It is such a fun catchy song, but it takes me back to the dark days of post-partum after Drew was born. I can remember bathing her in her little whale tub, and her having a blast in the water while playing recent downloads from my phone, and this being one of them. And hearing that song takes me back to how I felt then. And then it makes me mad that the first few months of both of my kids' lives is tainted. Luckily, it has worn off almost 100% from Trent, and it's a lot better from Drew. But it still just sucks that I {or anyone} had to deal with that. I can't really enjoy any of the good things during the newborn phase.

And then during the class, several of the girls and I were commiserating about some post-partum issues {because essential oils can totally help}. And it made me mad all over again. I truly despise those first few months because I am SO not right emotionally. It hurts to go through it, and it hurts to think about it. Don't get me wrong, I would {and want to} do it all over again, but man, I don't WANT to do that part of it again.

I really didn't have a point to this post, I just needed to get these yucky thoughts out of my head. Overall, I am beyond blessed in my life, so I don't intend to complain too much, but I just really, really wish I didn't have to deal with that ever, and I hope no one else I know ever does too.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Movie Review: 22 Jump Street

Over the weekend, I also managed to squeeze in a movie with my Official Movie Date. We saw 22 Jump Street and had pretty low expectations after seeing 21 Jump Street. But for some reason, once sequels start coming out, Allison and I have to go see them, ha.

Yes, we are dorks. And friends for TWENTY-SEVEN years. Hard to believe since we are only 25. {grin}

Plot: After making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt and Jenko when they go deep undercover at a local college.

Review: Oh my gosh, did I laugh. Maybe because I only thought the first one was okay, and I set my expectations low, but I thought this one was great! Was it cheesy? Yes. Was it completely ridiculous? Yes. Was the ending too long? Yes. Overall, did any of that matter? NO! It was great!! And Channing continues to look beautiful, so no complaints there. {grin}

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day Recap

We had a great Father's Day! Got to celebrate my wonderful daddy and fabulous baby daddy.

I was so proud of our Father's Day picture for Brent. I am a pretty terrible gift-giver. I literally just blank out and can't think of anything good about 90% of the time. And I am especially terrible with Brent. So this year instead of feeling like a lame-o wife who gives her hubby nothing or almost nothing, I thought about trying to get creative, and I think it worked! I had our picture printed and framed, and he was very surprised and like it a lot! Score 1 for me!

Brent wanted to PLAY golf in the afternoon, so I took the kids to my sister's to have dinner with our daddy. He wanted to WATCH golf, so we promised he could watch at her house and have minimal interaction with anyone. MEN!

Wish granted!

We did make him look up for a selfie during commercials.

And of course the cousins had a great time playing together!

Blair did a 'canyaball'.

Coloring Star Wars pics {a new obsession}

Poor Miles and Drew don't have any pictures today because they were mostly naked. {grin} Mayer, however, was hilarious at dinner time.

Chowing down on some corn

Icing beard

Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there!

Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Parenting: The Ultimate Team Sport

There are certain aspects of parenting that are more like a business arrangement. And I guess at the bottom of it, parenting is a business - the business of raising babies!

Take today, for example. Trent had a dentist appointment pretty much right after I pick them up from school. So I called Brent 1 minute from our house to tell him we were almost home. He came outside, told Trent hi, grabbed Drew and went back inside. Then I took T to the dentist.

Throughout his appointment, we sent each other updates. 

B: She's mad and ignoring me
A: Haha
A: [sends picture 1 of T] Watching Mulan
B: She makes a little irritated face when I ask for a kiss

B: I hope he can relax
A: So far so good
A: [sends picture 2] Buildup getting cleaned off those bottom middle 2 teeth {sidebar - one of which is LOOOOOOOOSE!!!!}
B: If I walk down the hall she shuts the door on me!!!
A: He refused to let them brush his teeth so he lost earning a movie
...and so forth

The highlight was the video I got of Sassy Pants {while watching Baby Signing Time and Daddy had the audacity to try and talk to her}.

HAHA! I love my little home business. {grin}

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Let's Check-In on Trent, Shall We?

When we last checked in on T, we were starting a new school. He {and Sister} have been going for almost 2 months and things are...FABULOUS!

Trent has adapted so well, loves his new school and teacher and has made friends! He doesn't whine about going to school which is HUGE. 

I also am using an essential oil mixture for SPD/ADHD, and I really think that is playing into things too. 

I think part of the problem before was a lack of consistency. Trent spent Monday with my parents and Wednesday with Brent's parents and went to school Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Consistency is KEY for kids. Of course we had no clue when we set up our schedule like this and felt so blessed for our kids to get extra grandparent time. I felt bad at first that both kids were now going to school 5 days a week, but neither of them has skipped a beat!

Drew has also done amazing. If I am having trouble getting her to sit in her car seat, I will say 'We're going to see Ms. Jinny' {her teacher} and that little tushy plops down. She walks off from me w/ her backpack and is so big!

They started 'summer camp' this week, and Trent told me it was 'awesome' and that he didn't like it, he loved it! Made my mama heart swell!

We do still have a developmental pediatrician appointment coming up next month, and I'm curious how that will go. Our therapist thinks Trent is doing great, but she wants to hear what the pedi thinks about that... Might mean we add OT back or a behavioral therapist, so we'll see!

First day of summer camp
{Drew looks thrilled, no? But how cute are her pink shoes?!?!}

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars

I read a really good book last week worth blogging about, The Fault in Our Stars. It got released over 2 years ago, but since the movie is just now out, I actually heard about it for the first time recently.

PlotHazel is sixteen, with terminal cancer, when she meets Augustus at her kids-with-cancer support group. The two are kindred spirits, sharing an irreverent sense of humor and immense charm, and watching them fall in love even as they face universal questions of the human condition--How will I be remembered? Does my life, and will my death, have meaning?--has a raw honesty that is deeply moving.

Review: This book is YA and definitely feels that way with some aspects of the plot, but it is easy to look past that because I loved the story. Augustus and Hazel are just neat characters. I laughed out loud so many times and, given it's a book about cancer, cried several times too. Even though Hazel is the voice of the book, I found myself thinking about life from her point of view but also from the point of view of her parents...pretty intense. Overall, it is a GREAT story, and I can't wait to go see the movie! 

{Weird sidebar: I saw the preview for the first time when I saw Divergent. The actors who portray Augustus and Hazel ALSO are in Divergent and sister. It was a little creepy seeing them making out in a preview for them to be brother and sister 5 minutes later, ha.}

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Beau's Baptism

I took a whirlwind trip to Florida for Beau's baptism. She's my first Goddaughter, and I am beyond excited and honored. Kristen and Schuyler are from Florida and the priest who married them {and is a childhood friend} was able to baptize her, so this was a very special service.

On the way there, in the Dallas airport, I found this magazine and died. Lonesome Dove is one of my all-time favorite books and movies. It is beyond amazing. If you haven't seen it or read it, it's a MUST do. I am not a huge Western lover, but this is a must, must, must. Haha... Tangent, much? Point being - I took the picture to send to Brent and geek out. {grin}

Kristen's brother, Clay, is Beau's Godfather, and our flights got in about 20 minutes apart, so we got picked up and immediately went to get a drink. Nothing like drinking before a baptism. We're good Catholics if nothing else!

View from our impromptu happy hour

Another really neat thing about Beau's baptism was that she wore Drew's dress. I love that they will share that as Kristen and I force them to be BFFs.

All together with Fr. Nick after the ceremony
{Isn't that blonde-haired, blue-eyed nugget to-die-for?}

Friday was a low-key day because Kristen spent a lot of it working. If you are need a realtor, she is your girl - I mean she worked on vacation! But Friday evening, we went to Pensacola Beach boardwalk and walked around and had drinks and dinner out on the water.

Diesel Fuel drinks and a photo bomb by Sky

Me with my fave!

I flew home early Saturday morning to get home to my babies who I was missing desperately! Drew nursed about a bajillion times on Saturday, so the feeling was mutual, I think. But she and Trent were definitely NOT neglected while I was gone.

Being spoiled rotten by Babs

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Baptisms and Beaches

I'm leaving for Florida today! Beau is being baptized this evening at Kristen and Schuyler's home church with the priest who married them. I am so excited! 

First, it is such an amazing honor to be a Godmother. I feel so privileged to have this precious girl as my Goddaughter. 

We jokingly refer to our girls as Little Nugget and Chunky Nugget.

Then, because we'll be in Florida, we're going to hit up the beach! I'm going sans family, so I'll actually be able to relax and enjoy some Vitamin D. It's a quick 48 hour trip, but I can't wait!

Not Pensacola Beach but who cares? I will see the same ocean in 24 hours!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Book Club Book Review: Hidden

Another wonderful book club meeting that was more about drinking wine and gossiping than book discussion {grin}! But...a book worth sharing! Hidden by Catherine McKenzie

PlotWhen a married man suffers a sudden fatal accident, two women are shattered—his wife and someone else’s—and past secrets, desires and regrets are brought to light.
While walking home from work one evening, Jeff Manning is struck by a car and killed. Not one but two women fall to pieces at the news: his wife, Claire, and his co-worker Tish. Reeling from her loss, Claire must comfort her grieving son and contend with funeral arrangements, well-meaning family members and the arrival of Jeff’s estranged brother—her ex-boyfriend—Tim.
With Tish’s co-workers in the dark about her connection to Jeff outside the workplace, she volunteers to attend the funeral on the company’s behalf, but only she knows the true risk of inserting herself into the wreckage of Jeff’s life. Told through the three voices of Jeff, Tish and Claire, Hidden explores the complexity of relationships, our personal choices and the responsibilities we have to the ones we love.
Review: This book was really good! It wasn't something I would normally read {and this was my pick!}, but it was a great one for being outside my comfort zone. The subject matter was uncomfortable at times, but the writing was great and the story was intriguing. I also thought it would be a great one for discussion, but unfortunately, we all agreed on the discussion questions, ha. I think the bottom line for us was whether an emotional relationship is cheating. We all agreed - can you guess which way?

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Well, I Lied....A Little Bit

I spoke a little too soon Thursday about Trent's recovery! 

Friday morning, he woke Brent up at 6:00 to say his throat was hurting. Brent gave him some medicine, and Trent got into bed next to me while Brent got ready for work. I noticed that Trent felt a little warm, but the recovery nurse said that a low fever likely meant dehydration and to increase fluids. So that's what I tried to do. We wanted Trent to take it easy again, so he got lots of movies and his favorite snacks.

I took the kids on a wagon ride around 9:30. {Of course Little Miss had some stomach issues on Thursday so no school for her either...and a tooth popped through Friday morning so we can guess what was causing her issues!} When we got home from the walk, I was winded and hot {and before you laugh at me, I am dragging 60+ pounds around with that wagon!}. Trent started acting weird and said he just wanted to lay in our bed and watch Frozen. When I picked him up to put him in bed, he was BURNING up. I took his temperature and it was right at 100. The discharge instructions said to call the doctor if it was over 102. 

Trent fitfully watched Frozen and his temperature steadily climbed. When it got close to 103, I called the doctor. We filled the heavy duty pain meds and bullied him into drinking A LOT of fluids. He kept saying how bad his throat hurt. :(

No light-saber fun here!

Luckily, once we got the heavy duty meds in him, things turned around very quickly. I was a nervous mama there for a little bit! Trent slept great Friday night {I think I would do on the meds he was getting} and slept until almost 9:00 Saturday morning. That hasn't happened since...well...almost never!

We had 1 more lazy day of movies and snacks. I decided that was the last day because he started to be just a bit of a brat off our normal routine! Ha! 

Dancing with Sister. Be still my heart.

Today was a normal day - no medicine and feeling great! The nurse warned me that days 5-7 are the hardest recovery, so we'll see how this week goes. There is no school this week, so we have a mix of me staying home and grandparents taking care of the kids - they'll be in heaving!

So I this is my last post about adenoids. {grin} Sorry for how boring this is, but I wanted to chronicle it all!