There are certain aspects of parenting that are more like a business arrangement. And I guess at the bottom of it, parenting is a business - the business of raising babies!
Take today, for example. Trent had a dentist appointment pretty much right after I pick them up from school. So I called Brent 1 minute from our house to tell him we were almost home. He came outside, told Trent hi, grabbed Drew and went back inside. Then I took T to the dentist.
Throughout his appointment, we sent each other updates.
B: She's mad and ignoring me
A: Haha
A: [sends picture 1 of T] Watching Mulan
B: She makes a little irritated face when I ask for a kiss
B: I hope he can relax
A: So far so good
A: [sends picture 2] Buildup getting cleaned off those bottom middle 2 teeth {sidebar - one of which is LOOOOOOOOSE!!!!}
B: If I walk down the hall she shuts the door on me!!!
A: He refused to let them brush his teeth so he lost earning a movie
...and so forth
The highlight was the video I got of Sassy Pants {while watching Baby Signing Time and Daddy had the audacity to try and talk to her}.
HAHA! I love my little home business. {grin}