Thursday, May 8, 2014

April Photo-A-Day Challenge: The Conclusion

I had a lot of fun doing this challenge... I might try it again someday. I wonder if I could keep it up for an entire year. Something to ponder for 2015.

Day 28: doesn't my girl have a 'unique' sense of style?
Sleepsack still on, pajamas and unmatched socks
 {She hands me clothes to put on her. Sometimes she'll have on 4 pairs of socks or ALL my necklaces. Goofball.}

Day 29: upside down - this man's perspective is way off

Day 30: In my {sister's} kitchen


Kathryn Bagley said...

aww sad the challenge is over!!

Karen M. Peterson said...

Drew must crack you up all the time. What a funny girl!

Kelly said...

I love party's kids table!!