Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday Funnies

A couple of stories to share that might just make you laugh at us on a fabulous Friday.

Trent woke up at 1:15 because he'd leaked through his diaper and his pajamas were wet {how in the world do you night potty train?}. I got him changed and back in bed. He then decided he wanted to rock. So to Baby Sister's room we went to rock. I sang him a few songs and enjoyed our awkward cuddles over my gigantic 2nd child. Got him back in bed. He then came in our room again but for the life of me I can't remember now why. Got him back in bed. It's now after 2:00 AM. Where is my husband in all this? Asleep. Um, why is the 38 week and 2 day pregnant mommy the only one doing anything? Because men pretend to be asleep {you didn't fool me, B}. Then at 6:45, Trent starts screaming. No idea why (dreaming?) so that's how we started our day today.

Fast forward an hour and we're late for special school. In literally 6 minutes I finished Trent's snacks for speech, 'fixed' my hair and put on makeup. Can you imagine how I look today? Then...I put on my shirt {that I freaking took the time to iron}. TOO SHORT. TOO TIGHT. I look at myself in the full-length mirror {bad idea} and say to myself 'You have got to be freaking kidding me.' I rip the shirt off and throw it across the room and scream. Trent thinks this is highly entertaining as I stomp around the room whining/moaning. Someone is amused at least? Brent comes in the room with a look of bewilderment on my face about what is going on. I start shouting how my pants won't stay up, my shirts won't stay down, nothing fits, I'm so uncomfortable. Trent is still laughing. Brent is telling me to 'hold it together.' Super helpful. I think I have 4 shirts that fit. Next week is my last week of work (unless she is super late which I don't even want to think about), but I envision it will be spent at home unless my bosses decide I can come to work in leggings and t-shirts. I'll let you know what they decide.

Happy Friday!


Anonymous said...

He screams every night. I go in there all the time. Is this your first time hearing that? He was probably screaming about the dragon lady down the hall who stomps around and screams about tight fitting clothes. She's scary - B

Anonymous said...

When husbands fake sleep, you're supposed to punch them - duh! I definitely laughed out loud when I read 'hold it together'. I can just picture it!

B - dragon lady...ha!!


Heather said...

I know it's not funny to you right now, but thanks for giving us a laugh! I can so relate to what you are going through right now. Definitely try to work from home next week! I can't believe baby gurl is almost here! Can't wait to meet her on the blog! ;)

plauschinat said...

Hang in are so close!