Monday, May 2, 2011

An 'Entertaining' Weekend

When I get obsessed with something, I get obsessed.  Like ignore everything and focus on said current obsession.  Well, case in point, I finished The Hunger Games trilogy.  I got books 2 and 3 from the library and between Thursday - Saturday I finished them.  I stayed up way too late, but hey, that's an obsession for you.  {As a side note, I don't ignore my child or anything.  That's why it took me so long to read them - ha.  Pre-Trent, I would have finished both before Friday was over.  Just had to point that out.}

And what did I think about 'Catching Fire' and 'Mockingjay'?  SO STINKIN' GOOD!  I won't given any plot details in case you actually want to read the books and haven't started yet.  They continue the story about unrest in the future America.  To show even more of my dorkiness, I'm debating whether this trilogy should replace something in my 'Top 10'.  It might...undecided right now. {grin}

Brent and I also watched 'Unstoppable' through On Demand.  Over-the-top? Yes.  Unreal dramatics? Yes.  So good? Yup!  Brent joked that the only reason I wanted to watch this was because I think Chris Pine is hot.  I quickly responded that it wasn't the only reason.  {grin}


Kelly said...

I have heard such good things about those books! I need to check them out!!