Friday, September 13, 2024

The Rest of Our Summer: July

As we march into fall, it's probably a good idea to wrap up the end of our summer!

Working with this pup home is so fun. Love being with him.

We finally had Sarge over for a playdate!

I don't think I shared about Paige's orthodontia journey. *Makes note for a future blog post.* BUT she got braces this summer {among other bits of oral hardware} for a phase 1 of orthodontia. Yay for our pocketbook!

Brace Face!

Lots of puppy love!

We had to wait for Gus to be vaccinated to be able to start walks.
We practiced a lot in the house and backyard to get him used to the leash and somewhat how to behave on walks.

The aftermath {grin}

We had a family reunion in July, where I got to spend a lot of time with my baby.

Patty and I traded kids, and I got Mayer. He lost a tooth with us!

At the end of July, I took Drew's Girl Scouts troop on their cookie season reward trip to Six Flags Fiesta Texas. We did the theme park 1 day and the water park the second. 7 of our 9 girls went, and we had a blast!

The girls and the leaders!

We closed out our summer with our trip to Broken Bow which was an awesome trip with our framily. Now I'm ready for cooler weather and all the fun that fall brings!