Monday, September 2, 2024

August 2024 Book Review

We are 2/3 of the way through 2024 {how, I don't know!}, and I'm cruising along happily towards my goal of 100 books for the year!

This month started off slowly for me as I was doing some re-reading of some of my favorite series [but not full re-reads to where they count in my total], but I ended the month with 6 books, bringing my total for the year to 81. I also realized I forgot to blog about 1 book I read in July, so I'm putting here so my totals add up at the end of the year!

Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto [audiobook] - My work book club asked for something 'light' to read over the summer, so we picked this! The title might make you question our definition of 'light', but this really was a cute/fun read! Yes, there was a murder, but it wasn't really the point of the book. The story really follows Vera Wong who is an older woman who owns a teahouse and the people she comes to suspect of killing the man who was found dead in her teahouse. Vera is just a wonderful character, and I thoroughly enjoyed this book and was so excited to find out another one is coming out!

Watchers of Time by Charles Todd - Continuing to make my way through this series my mom bought me - this was book 5. I enjoy these but don't LOVE them.

Family Family by Laurie Frankel [audiobook] - This was our Blog Friend Book Club selection of the month, and it was a delight! I really think Laurie Frankel is such a gifted author and has a beautiful way with words. This book was about adoption and was such an interesting spin on the topic. In BFBC, we have 1 member who was adopted and 1 member who is an adoptive parent, so it was really great for discussion to bring their perspectives into our chat.

Never Lie by Freida McFadden - My BFF is obsessed with this author {she loves thrillers} and gave me this book, and I devoured it! It was such a quick read with some really good twists about a married couple who gets stuck in a house of a missing doctor during a snowstorm! It was a little far-fetched, but I really loved it.

Did You Hear About Kitty Karr? by Crystal Smith Paul - This book toggled between a present day storyline [about a family of Black actors who received a large inheritance from a white actress who was popular in the 50s/60s] and the story of that white actress growing up. I really enjoyed the past storyline but found the present day one to be a little slow/boring. It picked up at the end, but I found myself looking forward to the storyline about Kitty and not so much the one about today.

Code Talker by Joseph Bruchac [audiobook] - I read this because Drew was reading it for school, and it seemed really interesting. I didn't realize it was a fictionalized story {but obviously historical fiction}, but it was really good. We both enjoyed it and learned a lot about the Navajo code talkers. 

The Break-up Pact by Emma Lord [audiobook] - This was a cute fake dating trope story {t
wo former best friends pretend to date after their break-ups go viral} but nothing earth shattering. I previously read a YA book from this author, Tweet Cute, that was really cute. I liked that there wasn't a big dramatic 3rd scene breakup and there was a lot of growth by the characters, I just didn't find myself LOVING it.

So that was my month! My average for the month was 3.6 against the year being 3.8 so not my best month of reading but still some enjoyable picks!