Wednesday, September 4, 2024

First Day of School 2024-25

We are in week 4 of the school year and things are moving along pretty smoothly. Our biggest issue is timing the dropoff correctly as the process changed this year, and we can't seem to get it right to get Paige to school on time, ha.

We had some big changes last year with all 3 kids changing schools to our new K-12 charter school, so this year felt way less stressful as we had way less adjustment to make. Paige moved up to 2nd grade, Drew to 6th, and Drew to 10th!

Paige was the most excited for school - she has been very happy in the elementary program at Gateway. We were bummed that she didn't have any friends from 1st grade in her class this year, BUT she has the best personality and I wasn't worried about her making friends. Sure enough, she's already got a few friends she's having a blast with.

For most schools in our area, 6th grade is the beginning of middle school, but for us, it's 5th grade, so Drew was going into her 2nd year in middle school. She signed up for pre-athletics and theater, I was so excited to see her branching out to try new things. She doesn't have any classes with her best friend but does have friends in every class, so she has settled in pretty nicely!

And last but not least, our big 10th grader!! I can't believe that in 3 short years, he will be out of the house and in college. Trent is doing great, and while I wouldn't say he's HAPPY, he's content. He has all of his classes with 2 of his best friends which definitely helps! 

It really felt like a non-event after all the changes last year presented, and we all settled in rather quickly. Pickup last year was a huge ordeal, but the process changed this year and is so much easier this year! [quite the opposite of drop-off ha] 

This guy comes with me sometimes to get his friends {grin}