Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Currently: It's Fall Y'all!

Current Book

Current Song

The girls are really into Olivia Rodrigo, and I like this one!
Jealousy, Jealousy

Current TV Show

Brent and I are re-watching season 1 
now that season 2 is out!

Current Podcast/Audiobook

Might watch the Netflix show too!

Current Drink

Current Food

I made this orzo pasta dish this week,
it was delicious!

Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure

Obsessed with this.

Current Outfit

Since I'm in workout clothes right now, as usual...
Here's a pic of me, my sis, and our cousin where we look cute. {grin}

Current Celebrity Crush

I haven't watched Emily in Paris' 4th season yet,
but this is the duo I'm rooting for!

Current Mood

Not sure if this is a mood, but I'm feeling pretty proud with some 
organizational things Brent and I have been focusing on around the 
house that have been successful for us, yay!

Current Anticipation

We have a trip coming up next month!
I'm starting to plan for it, and I'm so excited!!

Current Wishlist

Still working our way through the living room renovation.
We got the rug laid down, chairs for the living room,
and new bar stools for the kitchen.
We still have a ways to go, but I'm proud of our progress!

Current Movie

Up next!

Current Picture

This guy LOVES my shoes!