Wednesday, January 27, 2016

DITL: Winter 2016 {January 26, 2016}

Nothing like waiting until the last possible day to get my DITL post in! But I think today will be a good day to document - it's been a while since I've done a weekday {because usually that's me working for 7 hours in my living room} because today I needed to be in our office downtown for a meeting.

********Tuesday, January 26, 2016********

Allena and Brent are 35.
Trent is 6.5.
Drew is a newly minted 3.

3:35 - Unexpected wake-up call from both kiddos. Drew has gone into Trent's room to try and sneak into his bed and woken him up. He comes to tattle, she follows to try and get into our bed.

5:15 - Brent's alarm goes off. Ugggggh.

6:00 - My alarm goes off. Double uggggggh. Time to rise and shine! Check my FitBit stats for sleep - shockingly not great given Drew's visit. I also realize it isn't quite accurate because I didn't go to sleep when it said I did, but I guess my IG perusing before bed made it think I was asleep! Head to the bathroom and chat with Brent while he showers and I wash my face/bangs. I wasn't going to wash my hair today but my bangs were looking rough! He's out the door by 6:10. Realize as he walks out that I wanted to get a picture of us and didn't get it {not that he would have done it willingly}. Boo!

6:15 - Start working - check email, do a few things I didn't finish up yesterday. I've started doing this to get in another 30-45 minutes a day since it's so hard to get all my hours in every day. Also deal with some drama with our school's library.  I am the volunteer coordinator for the library, and one of our long-time volunteers had to back out, so now I need to replace his remaining 12 shifts for the year.

See my fancy spreadsheet! {grin}

6:48 - Time to make the donuts...I mean breakfasts and lunches for my minions. I open the fridge and remember Drew didn't go back to school yesterday after her well-check, so her lunch is already made. Say out loud 'Drew's is done. Yes!' #dork Decide to turn on some music while I work. I won't be super quiet so that hopefully the kids will start stirring on their own. #yeahright

6:50 - Start to boil some eggs. My kids LOVE hard-boiled eggs. I hate eggs in all forms and I hate the way hard-boiled eggs smell, but I can actually eat the egg white without wanting to die. So that's a win for convenience foods on Whole 30.

7:00 - Trent comes out into the kitchen unprompted which is rare but then decides he wants to go back to bed.

7:05 - Lay out Drew's outfit that we agreed to the night before. Girlfriend has flare today.

7:10 - Try to wake up the bear aka Drew. She has been a disaster at bedtime {due to her new freedom} so she is awake way too late and mornings are super rough.

7:15 - Get my clothes on and do my make-up. Spoiled by almost never having to wear make-up, so it's kind of a pain on the days I need to put it on. Trent gets up again and heads to the couch to read.

7:20 - Peel an egg for Trent and finally get Drew up, but man is she grumpy!

7:25 - Bring Trent his clothes, his MTHFR meds {his prescription and his 'red cream'}.

7:30 - Start to dress her - she's pretty resistant at first but finally lets me dress her and then starts to eat her breakfast {hard-boiled egg, watermelon, and strawberries}. Whines that she wants squirty fruits. Trent is looking at a Harry Potter Lego book and eating his breakfast {a spinach hamburger patty, a hard-boiled egg, and 2 squirty fruits}.

7:40 - Remind T that it's time to get dressed. No way will we be in the car when I want to be {7:45}.

7:50 - Start corralling everyone to get in the car. Pause to take a selfie. It's going to be cold today in ATX {Yankees, don't laugh at me!} so I had to find tights to wear under my dress.

7:55 - Everyone is strapped in, now I run in and take all my pills {MTHFR vitamins and DHA - getting a stye is super fun but reminds me that I haven't been good about taking my DHA regularly}.

8:01 - And we're off!

8:14 - Arrive at school. Trent hops out and walks to class. Drew wants me to walk her to class, but I can't since we've arrived during normal drop-off time, and she BAWLS as the school secretary walks her to class. She still hasn't adjusted to drop-off since moving classes. Breaks my heart to leave her crying like that, but I know it's better to just walk away - I know she'll calm down super fast.

8:16 - Back in the car, talk to Brent for a few minutes and then head into Austin. Listen to a replay of the Bobby Bones Show. Traffic is way lighter than a normal day. That doesn't mean I don't hit any, but it's a lot better!

9:00 - Just as I'm exiting the highway, I have to get on a conference call.

9:15 - Arrive at Picnik for a little Whole 30 approved coffee {ghee coffee with MCT oil and a shot of collagen protein - yay!}. I'm trying to find new drinks that I will enjoy to break-up with that damn chai latte. I'd say the coffee was okay but could easily grow on me. And after this round when I can put a little honey or maple syrup in it? I think we'll be besties.

9:30 - Get to our office, walk up {it's freezing}, have to borrow an ID badge {mine is somewhere in the house...}, and get set-up in the conference room we have for today's meeting.

10:00 - Talk to my co-worker Risa, and my co-worker Lauren walks into the conference room and immediately hops on a conference call of her own.

10:30 - Now we're both off the phone and we catch up. Lauren and I've known each other for years. She's the sister of one of my closest friends {Jenna, who I do oils with}, so she works for Deloitte in the same job as me, loves essential oils, also has an MTHFR mutation, so you know we get along!

11:07 - Call from school - Trent is disturbing other kids and not listening and needs to be picked up. I say a few choice words to my co-worker before calling Brent. His dad is in Georgetown messing with our golf cart at the golf course, so B thinks he can probably pick T up. Call said father-in-law and he is done with the cart and can get T. Whew! Of course this would happen on a day when I'm downtown. Suuuuper frustrated. He had a nasty meltdown yesterday afternoon. As B and I text about it, I realize we forgot his pill yesterday morning and I didn't watch him take it this morning - I wonder if this is part of the issue. Hmmm...

11:30 - Start discussing lunch options. Lauren's pregnant {with baby girl #3}, and I always love to talk about food! She's also building a new house, so she shows me her floor plan. So happy we aren't building anymore, but it's super fun to see what others are doing.

12:00 - Start the Talent 2020 webcast - the whole reason for being in the office! Work on this post.

12:20 - A new hire comes into the conference room for us to verify his employment and review his citizenship paperwork. I always feel like I am going to screw this up!

1:00 - My Whole 30 friend {Veronica} happens to be getting her husband lunch from Picnik and bringing it downtown and asked me if I wanted something. Made my day! I was about to be eating a house salad from Texadelphia - was NOT excited about that. Continue working...

1:35 - Check my mail - the receptionist might have hinted that I needed to - and get some water. Chuck all said mail in the recycling bin.

1:50 - Veronica is here with my green beans and chicken lunch and a cup of bone broth. Yum!

2:00 - Talk to Brent and he says traffic is a mess {it's raining AND cold}, so I go ahead and shut down and head out to get Drew. While I'm thankful my father-in-law was able to get Trent, I have to pass their house to get Drew, then turn around to get Trent - going to be spending a lot of time in the car! Eat my lunch while driving - it is so good!

2:49 - Arrive at school! The drop-off line is super long! Pick up my best girl. She surprisingly wanted to sit in her own seat and not her brother's. She had an accident at school {this NEVER happens}, so she's in outfit #2 of the day {spoiler alert: this number will continue to grow}.

3:15 - Have to take a detour to get gas. Eek!

3:20 - Now Drew wants to be in Trent's car seat, so I go to switch her around. She is sassy, of course.

3:30 - Start another car conference call. Luckily this one is with 2 of my team members, so we're always taking calls together with kids in the background or out and about - I love my team!

3:35 - Arrive at Brent's parents house. Brent's dad bribes Drew with marshmallows to get her into the kitchen so I can finish my call. Thanks Papa!

3:45 - While still on the phone, Drew comes into the room I'm in {used to be Brent's} and wants to change clothes {outfit #3}. I help her change clothes AND potty while still on my call. 

Too busy to show off her new outfit

4:15 - Head home. Decide Trent will help me clean out my trash can on wheels car when we get home as part of his punishment for getting in trouble at school. We hit rush hour traffic which is super fun with 2 kids in the car.

5:00 - Get home, and begin cleaning out my car. Start a load of laundry for Drew's wet outfit from school.

5:05 - Brent attacks! {Cameo of our new table! Still debating chairs...sigh.}

5:10 - Drew wants to wear her leotard. This would be outfit #4. She pairs it with my tennis shoes. #stylish

5:15 - Trent is still working on my car, and Drew adds a tu-tu and her princess heel.

5:30 - I unload the dishwasher and reload it with everything from my car. There were A LOT of dishes in there {plus a bunch that had accumulated already} in the sink. Needs to be restarted again! I should be embarrassed to show this, but this is real life!

5:45 - Kids are hungry, so Brent makes them turkey sandwiches, and I read to them {The Day the Crayons Quit and we added The Day the Crayons Came Back}. Trent's semi under lockdown, but I'm a sucker for reading to the kids.

6:35 - I have a Finance Council meeting at church, so Brent gets the kids in the shower, and I jet to church!

6:58 - Arrive at church. Our meeting lasts just about an hour, and I will be presenting some financial information at both masses this weekend, fun-fun!

8:25 - Arrive home! Brent has all the lights blazing for me. That's love!

8:45 - Eat dinner - leftover chicken and potatoes made with ghee. Yum! Check IG and veg for a bit.

9:00 - Play on the computer for a little bit. Get ready for bed. Brent and I look at chairs online and don't come to any decisions. Too.many.choices!!!

10:15 - Being silly! Lights out and we both play on our phones a little.

10:36 - Good night!

In case you were curious, Drew stayed in her bed that night, but 6:00 AM still came too early!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Grow Baby Grow {Drew} - 3 Years!

Drew's well check appointment was today at our new family clinic which I LOVE. Being the nerd that I am, I wish her appointment was closer to her birthday, but I guess this will have to suffice. Our normal doctor {nurse practitioner but that's a bit of a mouthful for a 3 year old} is 'Dr. Sellma' {Drew calls her Dr. Anna after Daniel Tiger...I die}, but we saw a different nurse practitioner today, Courtney. Drew was super confused about where Dr. Anna was.

That was a wee bit of a lead-up for a simple post about how our girl is growing, but you know - memories and all that jazz. Drew has had quite a year this year in terms of growth - super surprised by her stats!

Height: 37.7" {67%!!!!! She was 10% last year!}
Weight: 27.5 lbs. {14% - she was also 10% last year}
Diaper: Size 4 {only wearing at nap and bedtime, wakes up dry from nap about 1/2 the time}
Clothes: Mostly 24 months, some 18 months {dresses}, some 12 months {this one style of Carter's leggings we have that she LOVES}, some 2T
Shoes: 7.5 or 8

A lot has happened to Drew between 2 and 3. We moved, she stopped nursing, she changed classes at school, she finished potty training, she moved out of her crib {only recently...still dealing with the side effects of that} - a lot!

But a lot has stayed the same too. She still loves her Bubba the best {to the point of trying to sneak into his bed at all hours of the night}, and she is still my shadow. If I had a dollar for every time she asked me to hold her, I'd be rich!

She still loves to pick out her own outfits - we had battles over that for a long time but finally figured out what she likes to wear {1 of about 5 short-sleeved shirts, leggings, and either a skirt or tu-tu with her Stride Rite 'ballerina shoes' - and of course a onesie non-stop at home}.

She's still rear-facing in the car, but only because I keep procrastinating flipping her around - I did promise her at 3!

She is still an amazing eater. Today she ate broccoli {from Pops' garden}, tomatoes, 2 hard-boiled eggs, pecans, turkey, sweet potatoes, green beans, squirty fruits {squirty fruiters to her}...she amazes me with her willingness to try anything!

She is bossy and opinionated - I have no idea where that comes from! She has to do everything herself, she refuses to let me fix her hair {which she still twirls and plays with}, she definitely knows what she wants and how she wants it!

She loves to sing and dance. She loves Scooby Doo, Daniel Tiger, Minnie Mouse, Frozen. She loves to read. She loves to pretend. She is always 'shopping' in the pantry. She loves the iPad way more than I want her to, ha. She loves to help me cook. She loves to take a bath or shower.

Our biggest challenges right now are getting her to stay in her bed {but seriously about .1% as hard as it was with Trent} and when we tell her no or life doesn't go as she planned it. Ha!

Overall, she is a wonderful little girl, and everyone who knows her loves her. She is fun and funny and so lovable. She loves a good snuggle. She's the perfect combination of sassy and sweet!

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Current Book

I just finished The Girl in the Spider's Web today. So good!
Now I need to figure out what I'll read next...

Current Song

I have been listening to this Queen song, Let Me in Your Heart Again, since last year when it was released {I have been a huge Queen fan since my early teen years}. It came up today when shuffling on my phone - I LOVE IT!!! 

Current TV Show

Downton Abbey! Season 6 is going great!

Current Drink

H2O - Whole 30 Round 2 started today, so it's back to lots and lots of water! I might have a kombucha later since that's about all I can drink besides water.

Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure

Maybe the number of times I checked my FitBit app today was a bit embarrassing...but so fun!

Current Outfit

Church outfit - sweater dress, leggings - I had riding boots on then though!

Current Celebrity Crush

I was so excited when Branson came back on Downton last week!

Current Mood

Worn out! {Is that a mood?} Today was a busy day - we spent the last part of the day at my parents' - they were keeping my sister's kids overnight so all 5 cousins got to play. Super fun but also super exhausting!

Current Anticipation

Drew's 3 year well-check is tomorrow! I know I am a total dork, but I love well-checks!

Current Film

Have the DVR set to record this off HBO - #7 {of 8} of the Best Picture nominees.
To be totally honest, I am not looking forward to this one...ugh.

Current Picture

We had to postpone our book club Christmas gift exchange until Friday.
Had a great dinner with some of my favorite ladies!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Five on Friday

Happy Friday! Nothing like a short week is there? I can't believe it's already Friday, and I love it!


I got new glasses! I've needed these for so long but hadn't gotten around to getting them. My old ones were so beat up - scratched, ear pieces wobbly, prescription was old - so it was high past time!

Throwback to me with baby Trent {sqeeeeeee}.
They aren't that different, but I got a smaller sized nose piece so they fit better.


Ms. Drew started gymnastics! We've gone to 3 classes, and she LOVES it. It's a parent-child class, so I'm on the floor with her 'helping' her do the exercises {sometimes that helping is more herding than helping}. I'd say her favorite is the trampoline, and she really loves the slide they get to play on at the end of class.

Her little leotard makes me want to die.


I have a date with my mom this weekend to see Bridge of Spies. So excited to get some one-on-one time with mi madre!


I got a FitBit! It comes tomorrow, and I'm so excited. I definitely want to start keeping track of my activity {to help motivate me to keep active...and get more active}, but I'm also really curious about the sleep tracker! It didn't hurt that I found out my company will pay for half of it as part of our wellness initiative. Score!


I'm starting another round of Whole 30 next week! I think my sister is going to do it with me. If anyone else is interested, let me know - we can be accountability partners!