Sunday, December 18, 2011

Twas the Week Before Christmas

I love Christmas.  Like 100% totally L.O.V.E. Christmas.  The fact that we're a week away?  Has me giddy!  Yippee!!!  With that said, I thought I'd share that joy with the blog world this week.  So this week on my blog, it will be all things Christmas.  Hopefully that doesn't turn anyone off, but it's my blog, and I'll do blog what I want to.  {Allison, I'm paranoid...did I use the strikethrough properly there?}  I'll be sharing my favorite traditions, recipes, the story of when I found out 'the truth' about Santa, our 2011 decorations and anything else red and green I can think of!  So get ready, Christmas is only SEVEN days away!


the blogivers said...

Haha yes, you did use it properly there! Sorry I made you paranoid :) I will still love your blog even if I ever do find a strikethrough used "improperly"!

Kelly said...

YAY! Can't wait for all the Christmas stories!