Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Currently: Summer Winddown

Somehow summer got away from me {hence all the catch-up blogging}, and I haven't done a Currently post since May!

Current Book

2 books about death...good choices to read together, ha!

Current Song

We Gurley gurls love Dua Lipa's new album, 
and Anything For Love is awesome!

The kids have also gotten me into Chappell Roan - 
I am feeling so cool these days. {grin}

Current TV Show

Y'all. Brent is watching Downton Abbey with me! I am so happy.
We are in season 4, and I'm loving sharing my favorite show with him.

Current Podcast/Audiobook

A little romcom to lighten the mood of my other books.

Current Drink

Drew and I tried this at Starbucks this week.
It was good but also not?, so I'll be sticking with my regular chai!

Current Food

I'm years behind the trend on this, but my parents' neighbor gave me a brand new Instapot FOR FREE, so I've been trying new recipes with it.
It is such a nice kitchen gadget and saves so much time!

Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure

If y'all could see the number of empty chai cups on my desk...

Current Outfit

Rocking my 'Y'all Means All' shirt at the park

Current Celebrity Crush

Speaking of Dua Lipa, I think she and Callum Turner 
{from Masters of the Air} are 100% adorable!

Current Mood

We have our first school absence after 8 days of school.
So annoyed with the back to school germs!

Current Anticipation

My annual spa day with my mother-in-law is FRIDAY!!!!

Current Wishlist

I think we're just about ready to finish redecorating the living room.
We had to pause when we got the rug because Gus wasn't potty trained.
He's about 99% there - maybe 1 accident every 10 days.
So now we can put the rug down and buy ALL THE THINGS we need!

Current Movie

Well, while working on this post, I figured out the new Downton movies comes out in September 2025...I thought it was this year. I am super bummed, ha! Allison and I always do a birthday movie {we both have birthdays in August}, so we need to figure out what that is going to be!

I also need to blog about seeing:

Current Picture

New wires and a powerchain for this kiddo!