Friday, August 23, 2024

Back to School Questionnaire

It's BAAAAAACK! The kids are back in school {and all the mamas said 'Amen!'}, and it's time for our Back to School Questionnaire!

First Day 2019

Favorite Color:
Trent: Blue
Drew: Blue
Paige: Purple

Favorite TV Show:
Trent: Succession
Drew: Avatar and XO, Kitty
Paige: LDShadowLady {a YouTuber, sigh}

Favorite Movie:
Trent: Parasite
Drew: To All the Boys
Paige: Harry Potter

Favorite Toy:
Trent: iPhone
Drew: Squishmallows
Paige: Slime

First Day 2014

Favorite Book:
Trent: None 
Drew: When Life Gives You Mangos
Paige: Harry Potter or I Survived

Favorite Food:
Trent: French fries
Drew: Too many to name
Paige: Peaches and apples

Favorite Place:
Trent: My room
Drew: Anywhere with Gus
Paige: Home

Favorite Part of School:
Trent: PLP 
Drew: Lunch or Art
Paige: Computer time

First Day 2022

Favorite Part of Summer:
Trent: Jorts
Drew: Not having school
Paige: All the snowcones {she is her mother's child}

Favorite Holiday:
Trent: Christmas
Drew: New Year's because it's right by my birthday
Paige: Christmas because it's close to my birthday

Favorite Thing to Do with Mom:
Trent: Talking
Drew: Talking, reading, and shopping
Paige: Read Harry Potter

Favorite Thing to Do with Dad:
Trent: Going to QT
Drew: Golf cart rides
Paige: Snuggle

First Day 2018

Favorite Thing About Trent:
Drew: Talking about life
Paige: Wrestling

Favorite Thing About Drew:
Trent: She helps me with my outfits
Paige: Her kindness

Favorite Thing About Paige:
Trent: Her youthful innocence
Drew: The 0.01% of the time that she's nice to me

What are You Going to be When You Grow Up: 
Trent: I don't know
Drew: Therapist
Paige: Teacher or police officer

First Day 2021

Who are you Going to Marry:
Trent: I don't know
Drew: Gus
Paige: I don't know

How Many Kids Will You Have:
Trent: I don't know
Drew: 2-3
Paige: 2 

Here's to all the kiddos starting a new year, to all the teachers educating them, and to all the parents surviving! {grin}