Friday, August 30, 2024

Movie Review: Twisters

Allison and I both love Glen Powell, so we were excited to see Twisters 2 a few weeks back.

Plot: Kate Carter, a retired tornado-chaser and meteorologist, is persuaded to return to Oklahoma to work with a new team and new technologies.

Review: OH MY GOSH!!!! We both LOVED this! This was action-packed but not over-the-top and so much fun! We both loved the characters and the plot. It was for sure a win for us and keeps Glen at the top of our 'must see' list, ha!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Currently: Summer Winddown

Somehow summer got away from me {hence all the catch-up blogging}, and I haven't done a Currently post since May!

Current Book

2 books about death...good choices to read together, ha!

Current Song

We Gurley gurls love Dua Lipa's new album, 
and Anything For Love is awesome!

The kids have also gotten me into Chappell Roan - 
I am feeling so cool these days. {grin}

Current TV Show

Y'all. Brent is watching Downton Abbey with me! I am so happy.
We are in season 4, and I'm loving sharing my favorite show with him.

Current Podcast/Audiobook

A little romcom to lighten the mood of my other books.

Current Drink

Drew and I tried this at Starbucks this week.
It was good but also not?, so I'll be sticking with my regular chai!

Current Food

I'm years behind the trend on this, but my parents' neighbor gave me a brand new Instapot FOR FREE, so I've been trying new recipes with it.
It is such a nice kitchen gadget and saves so much time!

Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure

If y'all could see the number of empty chai cups on my desk...

Current Outfit

Rocking my 'Y'all Means All' shirt at the park

Current Celebrity Crush

Speaking of Dua Lipa, I think she and Callum Turner 
{from Masters of the Air} are 100% adorable!

Current Mood

We have our first school absence after 8 days of school.
So annoyed with the back to school germs!

Current Anticipation

My annual spa day with my mother-in-law is FRIDAY!!!!

Current Wishlist

I think we're just about ready to finish redecorating the living room.
We had to pause when we got the rug because Gus wasn't potty trained.
He's about 99% there - maybe 1 accident every 10 days.
So now we can put the rug down and buy ALL THE THINGS we need!

Current Movie

Well, while working on this post, I figured out the new Downton movies comes out in September 2025...I thought it was this year. I am super bummed, ha! Allison and I always do a birthday movie {we both have birthdays in August}, so we need to figure out what that is going to be!

I also need to blog about seeing:

Current Picture

New wires and a powerchain for this kiddo!

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Rest of Our Summer: June

Lots of randomness to share from our summer! Stuff that wasn't enough for its own post but memories I don't want to forget.

For Father's Day, Brent and I went out to eat ALONE.
It's amazing having kids old enough to stay home together for a few hours!

A certain pup remained adorable...and got his first haircut!

Brent's company hosted a 'Take Your Kid to Work' Day. Both girls went and had a blast! They were most excited about the candy in the break room. BUT since Brent works with 2 of his best friends {and one of his other closest friend's of my besties...started working there as well!}, the girls also got to see a lot of friends - 7 of the 11 kids from Broken Bow!

AmpedUp is where I workout and teach Body Pump. But it's also where I've connected with other instructors and made several new friends - women I love to talk about motherhood, husbands, LIFE, and...BOOKS with! Every month or so, we get together.

Dinner at my favorite local restaurant, Blue Corn Harvest

I was originally going to post all the little things from the summer in one post, but sheesh there were a lot of little things! To be continued with the rest of the summer!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Back to School Questionnaire

It's BAAAAAACK! The kids are back in school {and all the mamas said 'Amen!'}, and it's time for our Back to School Questionnaire!

First Day 2019

Favorite Color:
Trent: Blue
Drew: Blue
Paige: Purple

Favorite TV Show:
Trent: Succession
Drew: Avatar and XO, Kitty
Paige: LDShadowLady {a YouTuber, sigh}

Favorite Movie:
Trent: Parasite
Drew: To All the Boys
Paige: Harry Potter

Favorite Toy:
Trent: iPhone
Drew: Squishmallows
Paige: Slime

First Day 2014

Favorite Book:
Trent: None 
Drew: When Life Gives You Mangos
Paige: Harry Potter or I Survived

Favorite Food:
Trent: French fries
Drew: Too many to name
Paige: Peaches and apples

Favorite Place:
Trent: My room
Drew: Anywhere with Gus
Paige: Home

Favorite Part of School:
Trent: PLP 
Drew: Lunch or Art
Paige: Computer time

First Day 2022

Favorite Part of Summer:
Trent: Jorts
Drew: Not having school
Paige: All the snowcones {she is her mother's child}

Favorite Holiday:
Trent: Christmas
Drew: New Year's because it's right by my birthday
Paige: Christmas because it's close to my birthday

Favorite Thing to Do with Mom:
Trent: Talking
Drew: Talking, reading, and shopping
Paige: Read Harry Potter

Favorite Thing to Do with Dad:
Trent: Going to QT
Drew: Golf cart rides
Paige: Snuggle

First Day 2018

Favorite Thing About Trent:
Drew: Talking about life
Paige: Wrestling

Favorite Thing About Drew:
Trent: She helps me with my outfits
Paige: Her kindness

Favorite Thing About Paige:
Trent: Her youthful innocence
Drew: The 0.01% of the time that she's nice to me

What are You Going to be When You Grow Up: 
Trent: I don't know
Drew: Therapist
Paige: Teacher or police officer

First Day 2021

Who are you Going to Marry:
Trent: I don't know
Drew: Gus
Paige: I don't know

How Many Kids Will You Have:
Trent: I don't know
Drew: 2-3
Paige: 2 

Here's to all the kiddos starting a new year, to all the teachers educating them, and to all the parents surviving! {grin}

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Double Movie Review: Garfield and Despicable Me 4

I forgot to blog about when we saw The Garfield Movie earlier this summer, and we just saw Despicable Me 4 Friday after school, so I thought a double movie review was in order!

Plot: After Garfield's unexpected reunion with his long-lost father, ragged alley cat Vic, he and his canine friend Odie are forced from their perfectly pampered lives to join Vic on a risky heist.

Review: The kids LOVED this. I thought it was a bit ridiculous although fun too! I did love all the actors they got to voice characters. It just wasn't as 'smart' as some other kid movies are, a little more slapstick humor [which isn't surprising] which isn't my favorite.

Our crew for Garfield!

As a celebration to surviving our first week of school [posts to come soon...], I took the girls to see Despicable Me 4 with some of our neighbors/besties. 

Plot: Gru, Lucy, Margo, Edith, and Agnes welcome a new member to the family, Gru Jr., who is intent on tormenting his dad. Gru faces a new nemesis in Maxime Le Mal and his girlfriend Valentina, and the family is forced to go on the run. 

Review: Probably the weakest in this Despicable Me/Minions world but still fun. Again the kids all really enjoyed it. I liked it a lot, just didn't think it was the best.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Broken Bow Framily Vacay

 To finish out summer, we took a trip with our Friend Crew to Broken Bow, OK. 10 adults and 11 kids [ages 4-16]; we've traveled with these friends in some array since 2008 and have always had a great time!

From this in 2008...
Before Riley and Susie were even dating, and there was only 1 kid!
{Although Baby Trent snuck on this trip, ha}

To this...
ALLLLL the friends in Ruidoso!

It was about a 5.5 hour drive from our house, so we left about 7:30 Friday morning {August 2}. We brought all the car activities and screens! And the kids did great in the car.

2 Buc-ee's stops later, and we were in Oklahoma!

The house was SO neat and created for groups - had 6 primary rooms and a bunk room with 8 triple bunks! The kids loved it! And the adults did too. {grin} I will say the first night was pretty bad with trying to get the kids to go to sleep, which isn't surprising, but the bunk room was a great feature with so many kids.

We were really secluded, and it was beautiful!

August 3:Our first full day was Moms Day and Desiree's birthday, so the moms hung out at the house in the pool for a bit and then went into town to a local winery called Girls Gone Wine. And the dads took the kids fishing.

The dads grilled burgers and several of the girls surprised Dez and me with baking us cakes for our birthdays. 

Awesome porch!

So we finished the night with birthday singing and celebrating and watching the Olympics...and maybe lots of alcohol. {grin}

I don't have a picture of both cakes, boo, 
but it was very sweet of the girls to bake cakes for us!

The game room!

August 4: Today was dads day, so the moms took most of the kids horseback riding. We had to split into 2 groups, so I took my girls with Rhonda and her 3 daughters.

Enjoying the family dogs

Back in the saddle!

Gorgeous view on our trail ride - we were in such a pretty area of Oklahoma!

All the kid riders when the 2nd group arrived

Mom friends <3

After horseback riding, we went back to the house. Trent really wanted to go thrifting, so a small group of us headed into town...where all the thrift stores were closed, boo. We stopped at a few shops and felt most of the stuff was very kitschy. HOWEVER, Dez and I did buy matching skirts for when we take our girls to see Kacey Musgraves in November, SO EXCITED! The guys went to a local casino, and when they returned we continued our day with pool time, Olympics, food, alcohol, and lots of fun!

The dads had a great time {grin}

August 5: Our last full day in Oklahoma was also my birthday, yay! There was a Starbucks in the casino, so when Brent came back from dads day, he had not 1 but 2 chai lattes for me!

Happy birthday to me! {And Dez!}

Our activity for this day was a lake day! Kayaking, paddleboarding, and swimming.

On the bus to the kayak drop spot

Ready to go and WHAT A VIEW!

Brent, Paige, and Trent in a canoe.
Drew and I were kayaking together.

We took a little break at the halfway point to splash around.
And to rest our shoulders, ha!

I hadn't paddleboarded in years and just did it for a little bit.
The kids really enjoyed it though.

We played lots of games and Banangrams was a big hit!

Loved Drew and Brinley taking the time to spell this!

We got up on August 6 and headed home! We had a great time and can't wait to travel with our framily again.