Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Out of Doors

I am trying to pretend that fall is almost here. We are so, so, so close. We're doing a lot more stuff outside as the highs are only 98 instead of 104. It's a start, right?

Trent went with me to the farmer's market and got to ride a pony.

We walked to the playground in our neighborhood.
Trent rode his tricycle for all of 10 feet and wanted me to push it. 
Um, no, I am carrying your sister.

Said sister trying not to melt. This day it was 100, ha.
Hence why she isn't wearing pants.

 Our first joint wagon ride! I see a lot of these in the evenings this fall.

Straight up gangsta on a Daddy wagon ride {wearing hearts and grinning}

Come on, fall! I want to enjoy more time outdoors with my family!


kelly_bruneman said...

I am so ready for have no idea. These high temperatures are killing me. Although I shouldn't complain too bad because one of my teachers switched with me so that I always have lunch duty and she always has recess duty. Seriously...are recess time is at 12:30 so she ROCKS!