Sunday, April 14, 2013


  • It is beyond awesome to see Trent starting to interact some with Drew. She is fascinated with him and just stares at him if he is around. He, on the other hand, does not find her interesting in the least.

  • I haven't had a chai in almost a week because of our thrush diet. I am dying. BUT...I haven't seen thrush since Tuesday. Dear Lord, please let us be over this hurdle. Amen.
  • Feast your eyes on my Staypuff Marshmallow. Our newest sleep aid is the Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit. It is a transition out of the swaddle and so far, so good. But seriously - the look is pretty hysterical.

  • Is it just me or is it a little awkward when Trent gets one of my romance novels off the book shelf and wants to use it as something in his imaginings?
  • I know y'all are probably sick of me saying this but seriously. Seriously.

  • I told y'all Mayer was fat. {grin} I think it'd be hard to argue which baby is bigger, but Drew is 6 weeks older. My sister is 3 for 3 for chunkies! His rolls are delicious.


Anonymous said...

I had never heard of such a suit for babies! Goes without saying that she looks cute in it :) Glad Trent is starting to like his little sister! AP

Dee Stephens said...

I haven't heard of the suit either. We're still swaddling at night but I wonder if this would help transition out of it. She wakes up when she breaks free from the swaddle :(
What is your reasoning of using it?