School has been out for just over 2 weeks, and we are loving these early days of summer! But before too much time goes by, I need to sum up how our year ended! There's a big possibility this was our last year at our beloved Montessori school, more on that to come, but I'm kind of in shock the last 6 years have gone by so quickly!
Trent Joseph
Trent graduated from 8th grade this year! And in typical Trent fashion we have a dichotomy of how his school year went - academics vs. behavior. {grin} Academically he had a great year! I got consistent feedback from his guides about him doing fantastic on his classwork - he always finished his assignments, helped his friends if they were struggling, was a participant in class discussions. Behavior, however, was a mixed bag - the fall semester he got suspended, we had to meet several times with the principal and his was a mess! He ended the year in a pretty good place, but it was a tough one.
He was asked to give the welcome speech at graduation, and he did a great job! And I was really happy he was asked to do it - showed the growth he displayed by the end of the year {or that's my spin on it}. Also, his lead guide was also one of his guides for 3rd, 5th, and 7th grade, and it was fun talking to her about the improvements she was from his start at Goodwater to the end.
Their guides also gave our awards and would describe the student and award before saying who it was given to. When they gave the first award for the student with the best attitude...nope, not Trent. The award for the most helpful student...nope, not Trent. The award for the kid who argued the most {'The Great Debater Award'}, Brent and I looked at each other and said 'that's Trent', and we were right, ha!
Giving his welcome speech!
With the principal, Dr. Bruce, and his first guide, Mrs. Worcester {who retired}
Drew Kathleen
Drew had her first year in Upper Elementary for 4th grade. I would say Drew had an unusual year for herself - she loves school, but this year wasn't her favorite. It took her a long time to settle into her classroom, and I'm not sure I would say she ever felt really great. She made some new friends, which was great, but she missed her besties from the past 2 years.
Academically, she had a great year. Her guide was consistently giving her 5th grade work which she was rocking. Behaviorally, she also had a great year. Even though she was technically young in her class {her class consisted of 4th-6th graders}, she quickly became a leader and a huge help to her guide. She and her guide really got along and had a very sweet relationship, it was fun watching them together.
Our little miss Kindergartener also had a graduation this year! She finished her 3-year cycle in Primary with her beloved Ms. Lilana and Ms. Maria and had an outstanding year. She has absolutely loved school! She killed it academically and had great scores on the MAP testing she did. Her reading is off-the-charts {she's reading at a 4th/5th grade level}. And she is a leader in her class - she 'helps' with the little kids, reminds people of the rules and to stay on-task, she is a little teacher.
Kinder grads {their grad 'ceremony' was shared with another class}!
Paige and Ms. Liliana
Last day of school - pajama day!
She loved being able to bring Sackie and Kate to school!!
And with that, the 22-23 school year is wrapped!
How is it that you will have a freshman in HS?? Also I need the story on possibly changing schools? In that picture of Trent at the podium I see a lot of you there. I'm glad they had a great year!!
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